Browse the CEE by Author
Alchian, Armen A., Property Rights Allen, Jodie T., Negative Income Tax Anderson, Lincoln, Gross Domestic Product Auerbach, Alan J., Investment B Baumol, William J. and Sue Anne Batey Blackman, Natural Resources Becker, Gary S., Human Capital Bhagwati, Jagdish, Protectionism Bittlingmayer, George, Advertising Blackman, Sue Anne Batey and William J. Baumol, Natural Resources Blinder, Alan S., Free Trade , Keynesian Economics Block, Walter, Rent Control Bordo, Michael D., Gold Standard Borjas, George J., Immigration C Casson, Mark, Entrepreneurship Chubb, John E., Public Schools Cogan, John F., Federal Budget Cordes, Joseph J., Capital Gains Taxes Cowen, Tyler, Public Goods and Externalities Crandall, Robert W., Pollution Controls Crook, Clive, Third World Economic Development D Danzon, Patricia M., Health Care Industry Dixit, Avinash, and Barry Nalebuff, Game Theory , Prisoners' Dilemma E Ehrbar, Al, Consumption Tax , Supply Eichengreen, Barry, European Economic Community Eisner, Robert, Federal Debt Elliott, Kimberly Ann, and Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Sanctions Ely, Bert, Savings and Loan Crisis F Francis, David R., Unemployment Insurance Friedman, David D., Crime , Law and Economics Furbush, Dean, Program Trading G Gilder, George, Computer Industry Gilligan, Thomas W., Industrial Concentration Goldin, Claudia, Gender Gap Goldman, Marshall I., Perestroika Goodman, John C., Health Insurance Gorman, Linda, Discrimination , Minimum Wages Gwartney, James D., Supply-Side Economics H Haddock, David D., Insider Trading Harberger, Arnold C., Microeconomics Hardin, Garrett, The Tragedy of the Commons Haring, John, Telecommunications Hazlett, Thomas W., Apartheid Heilbroner, Robert, Socialism Henderson, David R., Demand , Environmentalism, A Preface , German Economic "Miracle" , Japan and the Myth of MITI , Opportunity Cost , Patents , Present Value Henninger, Daniel, Drug Lag Hessen, Robert, Capitalism , Corporations Heyne, Paul, Efficiency , Interest High, Jack, Competition Hirshleifer, Jack, Disaster and Recovery Hoover, Kevin D., Phillips Curve Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, and Kimberly Ann Elliott, Sanctions Hymans, Saul H., Forecasting and Econometric Models I Irwin, Douglas A., Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions J Jarrell, Gregg A., Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts Jehn, Christopher, Conscription Johnson, Manuel H., Federal Reserve System Jones, Steven L. and Jeffry M. Netter, Efficient Capital Markets K Kahn, Alfred E., Airline Deregulation Kasper, Wolfgang, Spatial Economics Kaufman, George G., Bank Runs , Deposit Insurance King, Robert, New Classical Macroeconomics Klein, Benjamin, Brand Names Kotlikoff, Laurence J., Federal Deficit , Saving Krugman, Paul, Exchange Rates L LaHaye, Laura, Mercantilism Lawrence, Robert Z., Competitiveness Lebergott, Stanley, Wages and Working Conditions Lee, Dwight R., Redistribution of Income Lee, Ronald Demos, Population Leone, Robert A., Energy Levy, David M., Research and Development Levy, Frank, Distribution of Income Lipton, David, Eastern Europe M Mankiw, N. Gregory, New Keynesian Economics McChesney, Fred S., Antitrust McKenzie, Richard B., Industrial Policy McLeod, Darryl, Capital Flight McMillan, Henry, Pensions Meltzer, Allan H., Monetarism Michaels, Robert J., Electric Utility Regulation , Natural Gas Regulation Millman, Gregory J., Futures and Options Markets Minarik, Joseph J., Taxation, A Preface Moore, Geoffrey H., Recessions Moore, Thomas Gale, Trucking Deregulation N Nalebuff, Barry, and Avinash Dixit, Game Theory , Prisoners' Dilemma Nardinelli, Clark, Industrial Revolution and the Standard of Living Nasar, Sylvia, Productivity Netter, Jeffry M., and Steven L. Jones, Efficient Capital Markets Niskanen, William A., Reaganomics Norton, Rob, Corporate Taxation , Unintended Consequences O O'Neill, June Ellenoff, Comparable Worth Ott, Mack, Foreign Investment in the United States P, Q Pirie, Madsen, Privatization Portney, Paul R., Benefit-Cost Analysis Poulsen, Annette, Corporate Debt Prychitko, David L., Marxism R Ranson, David, Inflation Reynolds, Alan, Marginal Tax Rates Reynolds, Morgan O., Labor Unions Rhoads, Steven E., Marginalism Richman, Sheldon, Fascism Rockoff, Hugh, Price Controls Rogoff, Kenneth, Third World Debt Romer, Christina D., Business Cycles Romer, Paul M., Economic Growth Rothbard, Murray N., Free Market S Salemi, Michael K., Hyperinflation Salins, Peter D., Housing Samuelson, Robert J., Great Depression Sargent, Thomas J., Rational Expectations Sawhill, Isabel V., Poverty in the United States Schelling, Thomas C., Greenhouse Effect Schwartz, Anna J., Money Supply Scully, Gerald W., Sports Shaw, Jane S., Public Choice Theory , Recycling Siegel, Jeremy J., Stock Prices Slemrod, Joel B., Progressive Taxes Smith, Clifford W., Bonds Stein, Herbert, Balance of Payments Stigler, George J., Monopoly Stiglitz, Joseph E., Information Stroup, Richard, L. Environmentalism, Free-Market , Political Behavior Summers, Lawrence H., Unemployment T, U Thompson, Robert L., Agricultural Price Supports Thurow, Lester C., Profits Tobin, James, Monetary Policy Tollison, Robert D., Sportometrics Tullock, Gordon, Government Spending V Viscusi, W. Kip, Job Safety , Liability W, X Walker, Deborah L., Austrian Economics Weaver, Carolyn L., Social Security Weil, David N., Fiscal Policy Weintraub, E. Roy, Neoclassical Economics White, Lawrence H., Competing Money Supplies Wildavsky, Aaron, Riskless Society Y Yago, Glenn, Junk Bonds Young, S. David, Occupational Licensing Z Zeckhauser, Richard, Insurance Zweig, Phillip L., Asset-Backed Securities Zycher, Benjamin, Defense , OPEC |
The cuneiform inscription in the Liberty Fund logo is the earliest-known written appearance of the word "freedom" (amagi), or "liberty." It is taken from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash.