Who's Got the Moves Like Marin?

As a student of public choice, I’m never surprised when politicians act in ways that promote their number one goal – re-election. No one should be. Political leaders are human beings, maybe with an extra tablespoon of narcissism, but nonetheless mere mortals who put on their pants and sweat, and worry, and try to live like regular people. Like most of us, they want to keep their jobs and get ahead. I would also inject a little Austrian subjectivity into the notion of “self-interest”. Sometimes politicians pursue pleasure through hobbies or want to live “normal” lives, because they are just like us. Sometimes that leads to Dick Cheney accidentally shooting someone while hunting, but again, politicians are human and they make mistakes.

Setting aside the stunning sexist double standard being applied to the current prime minister of Finland Sanna Marin, forgive me if I don’t think it’s news, or relevant, or important, or even noteworthy that she’s got moves. Look, I don’t believe politicians are any more noble or courageous or quasi divine than the rest of us. What’s more, if I were running a Western European democracy I’d imagine my stress level would be considerably higher than it is now. She’s got the right to burn off some steam, live life, and relax every once in a while. And unlike Dick Cheney’s hobby, no one went to the hospital.
I was a caregiver for a while. That’s another one of those jobs which everyone assumes make you superhuman and completely selfless. If you don’t take a little time and flip the relax switch, it’ll eat you alive, and you’ll make bad choices. I say to the Finns, leave her alone. Russia’s your neighbor and you want your elected leader sharp.