“I’d rather be a poor master of my fate than having someone I don’t know making me rich by running it.” So says Sir Michael Caine, one of the great actors of our times, and I find it difficult not to sympathize with that. Yet Sir Michael isn’t speaking about his own personal freedom, but rather about Brexit. If quitting the EU requires the English people to pay more for imported goods, and perhaps even the costs of a recession, so be it.
Brexit is a terribly complicated issue, much more than it seemed at first, and I think this is hardly a proper way to discuss it. My gut feelings are pro Brexit: I’m an unrepentant Anglophile and tend to think that most Brexiters simply reasoned that self-government worked quite well for England, and were not up to trade it for EU-made laws. This is also the spirit of Sir Michael’s words.
Yet if people voted thinking that Brexit was the equivalent of seceding from a political body, they only later figured out that it actually required disentangling a variety of international treaties, which involved more than managing borders. In some areas (standards for the production of particular goods and services, for example) it is questionable that being out of the EU will involve any potential benefit: British-produced teapots to be sold in European markets will need to comply with European safety standards, but now the UK won’t have a say in determining then.
More generally speaking, I fear the debate is too easily divided between those who think politics is just about having principles and those who think it is just about avoiding them. They are both wrong.
On this matter, I shall again defer to Ilya Somin’s excellent discussion of why we need an ideological framework of sorts, even to interpret our own interest. Let me just add a point on the sin opposite to pragmatism, that is “principlism”, adherence to principles no matter what.
In the real world, we have tradeoffs. I may be generally in favour of secessions and a smaller state, but if the price to pay for Catalan independence is a civil war I may revise my stand. We may be for or against Brexit, but it hardly matters to be for or against it if we do not take into account what it might actually cost us. We may have different opinions on the European Union, what it meant for Europe and economic prosperity, we may have considered it “good, on balance” or “bad, on balance”. But that has only a certain degree of relevance, as we need to decide what to do in particular historical circumstances. In other words, we may believe even believe that the EU was “bad, on balance” and yet the cost of getting out of it, now, in the world we live in, would be just too high.
There are instances in which we may want to do something no matter what. But talking as if we were Winston Churchill and as if it were 1940 won’t help. In those speeches so beautifully recently portrayed in The Darkest Hour, Churchill preached victory “at all cost”. But he was confronting Hitler, something which doesn’t happen every day.
Making decisions like an adult is always reasoning about trade offs. The problem with modern politics is that understanding such trade offs is all the more complicated. Regulations and taxes are difficult to disentangle, and changing one often has consequences very difficult to foresee. The beauty of decision making by individual consumers on the market is the ability she has to take into account different options and to choose between them according to her own experience. Most bad choices, when it comes to individual consumption, are also relatively easily reversible. When it comes to politics in states that dominates half of a nation’s GDP, things are quite different. This is why we need an open discussion on principles, but we also need caution and moderation in applying then. Ideally, small scale experiments are great exactly for this reason: to test a contention before applying nationwide. But they are not always possible.
What we should try to avoid is magniloquent rhetoric like we are at the early stages of the battle of Britain. Most of the time, we are not. Talking as if we were won’t do any good neither to the public debate not to our principles.
Shane L
Dec 31 2018 at 6:06am
I think that is a thoughtful post by Alberto. Before the Brexit referendum, when I still expected the UK to choose Remain, I was concerned by a strange flourishing of pro-EU spirit among my left-leaning friends, when I thought that there were things to be concerned about in the Union. However, the Brexit vote seems to have thrust the UK into an avoidable crisis. There is great confusion and I every choice now seems to leave the UK and the EU worse off.
Here in Ireland there is much discussion about the border between the Republic and Northern Ireland. Perhaps for the first time in its history, the Republic of Ireland has a stronger negotiating position than the UK because it is backed up by the enormous European Union, which seems to baffle and frustrate some in England!
In Northern Ireland, the strongly pro-UK DUP supports Brexit, perhaps hoping to drive a wedge between Northern Ireland and the Republic, but the prospect of economic calamity in the North has brought union with the Republic back into public discussion. Some moderate Northern Irish people might prefer to remain in the EU, by joining the Republic. Union between Northern Ireland and the Republic would probably produce a kind of crisis also, though, as I doubt the Republic is remotely ready for the consequences of this.
The number of Irish passports issued to people in Northern Ireland and Great Britain has doubled since the Brexit vote.
In the short run, it seems that personal liberty will be reduced by Brexit, as British and European people will find it more difficult to travel and trade between the two. I worry that the EU may become more centralised also, in the absence of the UK, so I generally think the whole thing is a bit of a disaster.
Dec 31 2018 at 6:58am
Well put. I would characterise slightly differently. Few people actively eschew principles; it’s more a dispute between principles. But when principles are at stake, it’s hard to engage in rational cost-benefit analysis. We tend to think in either/or terms. If a decision involves points of principle, evaluating in cost-benefit terms at all seems, well, unprincipled. I was a reluctant remainer, and it’s been striking how many sceptical remainers have become fully-fledged Europhiles. As both sides have dug in, it’s been hard to engage anyone in discussion of policy. So I don’t know how we get to the position of mediating principles.
One case where I have changed my mind is immigration. I’m instinctively for more open borders, but I recognise that this principle clashes too much with most people’s intuitions. The cost of immigration comes in damage to the polity. That’s a position that alienates both sides, because everyone wants to parade their principles rather than address complex policy decisions.
Patrick Barron
Jan 2 2019 at 10:06am
Why must all industry in the UK either be subjected to EU regulations or all industry NOT subjected to EU regulation? Why cannot some companies choose to trade with the EU under EU rules and other companies choose not to do so? For example, let’s assume that company A and company B both produce widgets for internal UK consumption and for export. The EU establishes rules that the widgets be manufactured by a workforce that receives a generous compensation package, that the workplace has strict safety and environmental standards, and that the widgets be manufactured with certain materials. The UK has rules that address these issues, but they are not as onerous. Company A can choose to produce widgets that meet the EU standard in order to export to the EU, and company B can choose not to do so. The only victims are EU citizens who are deprived of a greater supply of widgets. Company A has determined that it can make a profit meeting EU standards, and company B either has determined that it cannot make a profit meeting EU standards or that it can make a greater profit producing for the home market or to non-EU countries with less onerous standards.
Jan 2 2019 at 5:53pm
Actors know this stuff. If you do it for the money, what does that make you?
That whole discussion is just haggling over the price. There’s no dignity in that. Do that and you lose your soul. Even if you gain the world, you already lost when you got drawn into that game to start with. For money?
It’s like the Arthur Miller line about having kids: How may I teach them to walk like men in the world?
Well, with character. Not like a dog, but a human being. Not selling yourself short, and becoming cynical, but with sincerity.
Jan 9 2019 at 5:28am
This is a minor mistake, the URL of Darkest Hour (Winston Churchill) should point to https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4555426/ rather than https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1093357/
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