Perhaps as a sequel of mankind’s long tribal history, people apparently need scapegoats to shed the weight of sins and responsibilities from their shoulders. In democratic countries, “unelected officials” figure among the favorite scapegoats. It is an easy path to follow under the sun of simple beliefs, and I confess I once found it tempting.
Elon Musk also seems to walk into this cul-de-sac in his otherwise worthy resistance to the Australian government’s censorship (“Elon Musk Criticizes Australia for Ordering Removal of Stabbing Video,” Wall Street Journal, April 23, 2024):
“Should the eSafety commissar (an unelected official) in Australia have authority over all countries on Earth?” he posted, using a disapproving nickname to refer to the eSafety commissioner.
What difference would it make if the commissar were an elected official? It is elected officials who have adopted the laws requiring the hiring of bureaucrats to enforce these very laws. Indeed, the Australian prime minister himself, arguably the ne plus ultra of elected officials in that country, supported his bureaucrat against Musk’s social media.
It is true that, without any hired official, the power of elected ones would be reduced to the vanishing point. But this is not an argument for the whims of elected officials to replace any power they have delegated to bureaucrats. Power, whoever exercises it, needs to be constrained by the rule of law, and we can trust politicians to respect this limit even less than bureaucrats. Any individual or company, except for cronies, faces a more perilous situation if an elected official can rule on his whims.
Consider the following example. Imagine what would happen if Donald Trump could, as it is being debated among his would-be advisers, run the Federal Reserve (see “Trump Allies Draw Up Plans to Blunt Fed’s Independence,” Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2024). The creation of money at the call of American presidents in the 1960s and 1970s generated inflation that, at the end of the period, grew to more than 10% per year, higher than what we experienced over the past three years as a consequence of the Trump and Biden deficits. In the early 1980s, two recessions were needed to tame inflation.
Good reasons exist to believe that central banks are not only useless but detrimental. We have good reasons to believe that truly private money and banking would be more efficient. But there is little doubt that monetary policy would be more capricious and dangerous if it were wielded by some elected czar. The outcome would likely be more monetization of government deficits up to hyperinflation.
Back to our general topic. Elected officials have too much power, which allowed them, in fact obliged them, to delegate some of it to the administrative state. Thankfully, laws constrained the latter, even if imperfectly, to follow some general rules. The problem is power, not how it is shared within the state (even if the sharing can limit it to a certain extent). It would be much worse if power were concentrated in politicians, especially under a czarist presidency. The same argument would apply to Joe Biden or any other glorified politician. Of course, the more ignorant the elected official is, the higher the probability of dumb errors.
Elections do not provide the needed constraint. The typical voter remains rationally ignorant because his vote does not change the result of an election and he has therefore no incentive to spend time and resources gathering information on political platforms, public policies, and their likely consequences. Most voters know little about how “their” government works. Ask a voter chosen at random to tell you what the money supply is composed of, or what were the annual deficits under Trump and Biden, and he will not even know where to find the answer. If he does find correct information with the help of Google, he will likely not understand the methodology and significance of the numbers.
Public choice economics strongly suggests that the democratic glorification of “elected officials” is no less dangerous (and, I would say, likely more dangerous) than the mystique of the disinterested bureaucrats. Through their working under rules, as they are expected to, bureaucrats can at least dampen the whims of politicians.

A government bureaucrat turned into a scapegoat for enforcing the laws adopted by elected officials (Source: DALL-E under the influence of Pierre Lemieux)
Atanu Dey
May 1 2024 at 10:38am
Merely because some official is elected does not automatically confer moral, economic or ethical authority on that official.
I completely agree with your analysis. Thank you.
May 1 2024 at 1:03pm
Agree with your broader point but not on the scapegoating. Bureaucrats, if anything, are more culpable that politicians because nothing constrains them in practice. They have full and near absolute discretion on interpretation and implementation on any law including the authority to simply ignore it completely. Every tried to get a meter maid fired or a back office admin assistant to sub director Y twenty levels deep in the bureaucracy? Not talking about the politicos here but true GS-7 bureaucrats. At best they might get a pro forma lecture and “retrained”
Pierre Lemieux
May 1 2024 at 4:26pm
Peter: Bureaucrats get their tenure from laws adopted or maintained by politicians. It is not the other way around.
The other face of bureaucrats is that they often prevent politicians from imposing their whims. See my example of the Fed. Or imagine that a president orders the FTC to punish Facebook (“they have crossed me”). Or imagine that a defeated president orders bureaucrats (from humble temporary bureaucrats in polling stations to high bureaucrats called judges) to find fraud “or else.” Fortunately, he cannot give such orders to the bureaucracy.
May 1 2024 at 11:10pm
At least politicians are accountable to the public. Bureaucrats are not. Who are they accountable to?
The whims of politicians are supposed to be controlled by the checks and balances in the Constitution. They way around that is to have an entrenched party system that shares power and doesn’t fight over important things like war funding.
May 1 2024 at 4:33pm
Jointly and severally liable? Much is set up in this res publica such that no single person need to accept individual responsibility.
Pierre Lemieux
May 1 2024 at 6:10pm
Craig: I see your point (which may partly be Peter’s too). But note that only in a pure autocracy is there one person totally responsible. In any more decentralized system, responsability is necessarily shared. You could say that special interest groups and lobbyists are also responsible. But, given the non-responsibility of any individual voter, what is the ultimate small group responsible? I think it is not for nothing that the LAWMAKERS like this (indecent in a Hayekian perspective) word and that none of them has proposed “lawsharers”!
May 1 2024 at 11:19pm
“Let us be very specific here: unless a message is coming directly from President Trump or an authorized member of his campaign team, no aspect of future presidential staffing or policy announcements should be deemed official,” Trump senior advisors Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita told the Journal.
Great article. We already have questionable centralized control of the money supply.
Jon Murphy
May 2 2024 at 9:07am
Ok good. So, when Trump says he’s a “tariff man,” we can be sure he is indeed a tariff man, that is indeed his policy, and not just some 4D chess negotiation move to get us to free trade like some of his supporters claim? Or that when he says he wants to reduce legal immigration, that is indeed his policy and not some 4D chess move to reduce illegal immigration only like some of his supporters claim?
May 2 2024 at 2:14pm
Try to stay on topic.
Jose Pablo
May 2 2024 at 7:56pm
Or when D. J. Trump says “I am not going to be a dictator. Except for day one” we can be sure he will be a dictator on day one.
It is not clear to me what is better for Trump’s campaign “to be deemed official”.
In fact, “Let us be very specific here: any message coming directly from President Trump should NOT be deemed official” makes much more sense as a guideline that would benefit his campaign.
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