Russian history is filled with examples of credulous Westerners shilling for the Motherland. In the 1930s, New York Times columnist Walter Duranty praised Stalin’s regime, downplaying the political repression and murders, and staunchly denying the intentional starvation and pillaging of millions of Ukrainian farmers. Although savvier reporters were aware of the blatant horrors of the Soviet system, Duranty was awarded a Pulitzer for his Russia dispatches. In the 1960s Paul Samuelson, dean of American economics, predicted in his widely-read college textbook that the Soviet economy would outgrow the USA within a generation. In the late 1980s, on the eve of Soviet collapse, Bernie Sanders played the commie stooge role, visiting Moscow and gushing about low housing costs and universal healthcare in the workers’ paradise.
People with any idea about the actual history of Soviet Russia know better—it was both history’s most murderous regime and Exhibit A in the evidence file of socialist failure. Economists, especially those who were born during the Cold War years, point to Soviet Russia as a cautionary tale in the realities of socialism, central planning, and political repression. While today’s Russia is no longer full-on socialist and standards of living have improved markedly from the Soviet days, Russia is still very much a dictatorial regime with a largely dysfunctional economy. There’s really nothing to admire nor emulate in Russia’s economy today.
Yet despite the facts on the ground and the sordid history, there’s always another dupe from the West with another round of pro-Russia/ pro-Putin apologetics. Enter Tucker Carlson, who recently voyaged to the motherland to interview the thug dictator himself. Let me state up front that I have no problem with the interview itself—that’s what journalists do, after all. Sure, he could have asked tougher questions or grilled Putin harder on some big issues, but I’ll at least credit Carlson for just talking to a guy who’s infamous for finding creative ways to off his critics.
I will scold Tucker, though, for beclowning himself after the sit-down with Putin. Carlson posted a video in which he strolled through a clean, brightly lit, attractive grocery store somewhere in central Moscow. Tucker nonchalantly filled his grocery cart with what he suggested was one week’s worth of food for a typical family of four. Upon checking out, Tucker acted shocked at the total price of 9,481 rubles, which at current exchange rates works out to just under $104.
What, if anything, are the economic and political implications of Tucker’s Russian grocery bill? Let’s let Tucker speak for himself—here’s his takeaway, transcribed from his grocery store monologue:
Tucker is so off base here, it’s hard to know where to start. Since I’m an economist, I want to focus on his woeful ignorance of some really basic economic concepts—specifically in this case the economics of exchange rates and relative prices.
I’ll start with the most glaring error, in which Tucker mistakes himself—a rich American—for a much poorer average Russian. Yes, Tucker, the US dollar buys a lot of rubles, and rich Americans feel even richer when they take dollars to poor countries. But Russians, you see, earn rubles, not dollars. And though the nominal amount of rubles they earn might be a large number, nominal Russian food prices are also large numbers. To compare the cost of a grocery basket in the US and Russia today, Tucker should have asked something like, “how much money does the average Russian make, and how much of his income is taken up by the cost of groceries, as compared to the average American?”
Fortunately, this data is easily available. According to Russian state data, the average wage in Russia is currently about 74,000 rubles per month. Tucker’s grocery bill—let’s round it to 9,500 rubles—was ostensibly for 1 week’s supply of food, so that comes to about 41,000 rubles per month (1 week times 4.3 weeks per month). This works out to well over half (55%) of that average Russian wage. According to the USDA, Americans’ spending on food in 2023 was about 11% of their disposable personal income. But wait—that number is for ALL food, not just groceries, but restaurants too. Subtracting restaurant visits, Americans are spending less than 6% of their disposable income on groceries (“food at home” in the USDA classification). This is a full eight times less than Tucker’s Russian produkty basket. Even the bottom 20% of US earners spent only 31% of their income on food—both groceries and restaurants. And if you want to compare earnings, median personal income in the US was about $40,000 in 2022. The average Russian wage cited above annualizes to just under 900,000 rubles, though the highest estimate of median Russian wages I found came to about 1.1 million rubles per year. Let’s split the difference between these data points and suggest that the average Russian is bringing home about 1 million rubles a year. At today’s exchange rate of 92.5 rubles to the dollar, that’s a puny $10,810 US dollars.
But as students of international economics realize, the exchange rate itself does not come close to representing differences in the cost of living. Poor countries like Russia usually feature much lower costs of production, which makes for lower prices. The lower productivity of land, labor and capital in such places means the opportunity costs of these resources is lower—they don’t have as many valuable alternative uses. This, in turn, makes their relative prices (their current prices in local currency) lower as well. Therefore we need to translate rubles into dollars taking the lower relative prices of all Russian resources into account. We can do so using the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) exchange rate. PPP rates reflect differences in local costs to provide a more realistic exchange ratio which reflects the buying power of the local currency in terms of the US dollar. The PPP exchange rate for the US dollar in terms of rubles is currently 32.4, making the ruble significantly more valuable in purchasing power terms than the currency exchange rate of 92.5 to the dollar would suggest. This means our 1,000,000 ruble salary equates more realistically to around $30,864. With all that being said, average Russians are earning a full $10,000 less than Americans. Tucker Carlson, call your office: even using the most realistic, apples-to-apples comparison, Russians are still at least 25% poorer than Americans.
So Tucker is way off base regarding incomes and living standards in America vs. Russia, and many commentators have rightfully pointed out this glaring omission in his single-number “analysis” of comparative standards of living. But I have another bucket of cold water to toss on Tucker’s dumpster fire economics. Tucker, after all, hangs his argument about how our own people “literally can’t buy the groceries they want” on the assertion that corrupt elites have “wrecked people’s lives” through inflation.
Yes, true—American consumers have suffered from a nasty bout of inflation recently, with headline year-on-year consumer price growth peaking at 9% in June, 2022. Even though inflation cooled since then, the cumulative increase in the Consumer Price Index for the US has been 20% since pre-pandemic (January 2020 to January 2024). But Tucker, if you think inflation is bad in America, you should see Russia’s inflation—it’s way worse. The evidence is all around us, I’m not making it up. Over the same period in which US prices went up 20%, Russia’s prices, from January 2020 through November 2023 (the most recent available data) increased a whopping 47%. Forty-seven percent—that’s more than two times bigger than America’s twenty percent inflation.
Even if you want to claim that the CPI understates US inflation—and I’m potentially sympathetic to those arguments—it’s clear that Russian inflation has been way, way worse than that in America or the west in general. And this is not surprising, given Russia’s history of very weak economic performance and the devastating economic consequences of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s inflation rate shot to almost 18% in the months after the invasion and stayed well in the double digits for all of 2022. America’s inflation was bad (and the Federal Reserve is mostly to blame), but Russia’s has been far worse. No wonder a Reuters headline from October 2023 states “Almost half of Russians say salary does not cover basic spending.”
Anyone with Tucker Carlson’s exposure to people, places and events should have a strong basic intuition that America is the most prosperous place on earth today—period. Immigration patterns alone (which Tucker surely knows about) tell the whole story: foreigners are flocking to America, not Russia. They know that nowhere in the world offers them opportunity to earn more money or have more goods than the good old US of A. Economists have reams of data to certify this claim. Sure, the US economy is in something of a funk, largely due to the recent bout of inflation and a host of bad policies. But to even bemuse that things are better in Russia?! It just ain’t so. The fact that Tucker’s sensational, emotion-laden report came out days before the news of the death-by-government of Alexei Navalny, Putin’s erstwhile nemesis and major opposition leader, really puts an exclamation point on the absurdity and sheer ignorance of Tucker Carlson’s lunatic ravings. To Tucker Carlson, may I offer a polite piece of advice: when you don’t know what you’re talking about, kindly shut up. To Tucker’s fans: even if you agree with this guy’s stances or conclusions on certain issues, when it comes to economics he’s as incompetent as a pacifist drill sergeant. He can’t be taken seriously on economic issues, and his economic ignorance should cast doubt upon his credibility in general.
In the meantime, I’ll go on the record saying that, despite our problems, America is still the best place to live, and a heckuva lot better than Vlad Putin’s Russia.
Tyler Watts is a professor of economics and management at Ferris State University.
David Henderson
Feb 29 2024 at 11:46am
Nicely done. I had thought to do a post on this titled simply, “Tucker Carlson Unwittingly Discovers Purchasing Power Parity.”
One correction: 47% is not more than two times bigger than 20%. It’s more than two times 20% but more than one time bigger.
Tyler Watts
Feb 29 2024 at 5:11pm
Thanks for the comment David! Yes, I meant to say “two times the size of”–thanks for catching that error as well.
Feb 29 2024 at 12:08pm
Not a beef with your overall point but more a a question and comment.
I’m just not sure Soviet Russia was the most murderous regime in history, even modern history. In raw numbers I believe China takes the cake and proportionally, since this post is all about PPP, I believe it was Cambodia. Historically it has always been my understanding the Mongols take the place once normalized.
As a comment, I’ve never understood the “11% disposable income” thing, like what do these people eat? I live in Hawaii, I spent about 25% my TOTAL income on food and I’m not fine dining weekly. Hell went to Burger King lunch yesterday, got a value meal for myself no extras, was $23. I mean you’ll spend $500 a week on food here by accident unless you make a effort to eat instant noodles. Where is this mythical middle class American who spends sub $300 a month on food (including their family and kids ) and wtf to they live off .. 50lb bags of beans and rice with water?
Jon Murphy
Mar 1 2024 at 7:59am
Part of the issue here is comparison. You live in Hawaii. Because of the Jones Act (and the fact you are an island far away from the mainland), your prices are always going to run higher than other parts of the country. Tyler is citing an average. There will be places above the average and there will be places below.
Kevin Corcoran
Mar 1 2024 at 10:46am
Echoing what Jon said, Hawaii is an unusually expensive place. My wife and I spent a week there some years ago, and we were shocked at how expensive groceries were at the local grocery store – the price of a half gallon of milk in Hawaii was four times higher than the price of a full gallon in Minnesota, etc.
To your other question, while it’s certainly an exaggeration to say I live off of 50lbs bags of beans and rice, my diet is very plant based as a result of being persuaded by Michael Huemer’s arguments in favor of ethical vegetarianism. And I’ve noticed this has had a huge impact lowering my grocery bills. In most supermarkets and grocery stores (in the contiguous 48 states, anyway), fresh fruits and vegetables can be had for multiple pounds per dollar. If you add up the cost of all the food that goes into every lunch I eat for a week, it would still come out to less than the $23 you spent for a single meal at Burger King.
Richard W Fulmer
Feb 29 2024 at 1:12pm
Carlson was also very impressed with Moscow’s metro system. He failed to mention, though, that the first line, which opened in 1935 and which became the model for future lines, was designed by engineers brought in from Great Britain. And, according to Wikipedia:
Naturally, when the line was opened, it “was celebrated as a technological and ideological victory for socialism (and, by extension, Stalinism).”
Scott Sumner
Feb 29 2024 at 1:51pm
The Walter Duranty comparison is excellent.
Mar 3 2024 at 7:39am
I scrolled down here to post just the opposite: the Duranty comparison is inapt. I’m extremely surprised to see this comment coming from you (Scott). Duranty persistently and knowingly lied about the famine (and its causes) for 3 years. Carlson’s supermarket comments are surely ignorant (as Watts clearly shows), but they don’t compare to Duranty’s years of willful lying about Stalin.
Jon Murphy
Mar 3 2024 at 9:23am
The comparison to Duranty is because both he and Tucker Carlson have become shills for authoritarian governments. Both are willful propagandists. Carlson may truly believe what he’s saying (if he is lying, we probably won’t know any time soon), but he is still willingly whitewashing
Mar 3 2024 at 10:28am
If Carlson goes and interviews Xi Jinping, does just that make him like Duranty? Carlson’s questions may be softball or simplistic, and the interviewee’s answers may be misleading or untruthful, but at least we (viewers) get to decide, as Tyler Watts did. In Duranty’s case, he was filtering, censoring and doctoring the information. Personally I see a big difference (and a false equivalence).
Jon Murphy
Mar 3 2024 at 11:13am
Interviewing Xi in an of itself is not. But, as you rightfully point out, Tucker was not acting as a journalist. He was asking simplistic and softball questions, not following up where he should, and fell hook, line, and sinker for a potempkin village. Perhaps he didn’t lie and manipulate things. But he was a dupe nonetheless
David Seltzer
Feb 29 2024 at 6:36pm
Samuelson’s obsequious comments about the soviet Union are not surprising. He was alleged to have said, “libertarianism is it’s own worst enemy.” He was a big gov central planning proponent. He famously disagreed with Friedman. I suspect his formidable intellect never acknowledged the insuperable limits of his knowledge.
Mar 1 2024 at 4:11pm
What I found interesting about the interview was history concerning Russia and Ukraine, and that Putin alleges he was negotiating for a solution before Boris Johnson interfered.
Jon Murphy
Mar 1 2024 at 4:26pm
Russian history is fascinating, but it does not justify an invasion.
Even if it did, however, given how many justifications Putin has put forth for the war, it’s doubtful he actually believes himself. It sounds to me he is justification shopping.
Mar 1 2024 at 5:16pm
Putin is very selective in his recounting of history. Not only did they kill millions in Eastern Europe they also deported many, including stealing thousands of children. They then repopulated a lot fo that area with ethnic Russians. Then he claims they want to get rid of those Russians because they are Nazis. From the POV of people living there they want to get rid of them because the Russians are the people who stole their land after killing them.
Pierre Lemieux
Mar 2 2024 at 8:32pm
Tucker Carlson must have a Merriam-Webster. From the online version:
useful idiot
plural useful idiots
: a naive or credulous person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda
It is one task of the KGB [in 1982] to apply its skills of secrecy and deception to projecting the Soviet party’s influence. This it does through contacts with legal Communist Parties abroad, with groups sympathetic to Soviet goals, with do-gooders of the type that Lenin once described as “useful idiots” … .—The Wall Street Journal
Mar 3 2024 at 3:48pm
Carlson puts it aptly:
“I should just say at the outset, I’ve been accused of being pro-Putin, and I’m not,” he argued Tuesday during an appearance on Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV program. “And if I was, that’s OK, too. I’m an adult man, an American citizen, I can like or dislike anyone I want. I can have any opinion I want.”
And so can those who hate Carlson and disagree with his interview. Of course, it’s easy to criticize from the sidelines.
Jon Murphy
Mar 3 2024 at 4:12pm
Is that supposed to be a defense of Carlson?
I mean, yeah he can have any opinion he wants, but when that opinion is based on him being led around by the nose and making hilariously uninformed comments, it’s not really a good opinion, is it?
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