The recent rise of nationalism in many parts of the world has been associated with a return of the doctrine “might makes right”, a view that dominated international affairs throughout most of human history. After the two world wars, however, this doctrine began to go out of favor. The Kellogg-Briand Pact, the League of Nations, the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, etc., were all signs of an increasing perception that big countries should not invade and annex small countries. While wars continued to be fairly common, most were civil wars. With a few exceptions such as Argentina’s attack on the Falklands and Iraq’s attacks on Iran and Kuwait, wars of conquest became much rarer than prior to 1945.
Even today, wars of conquest are rare, but “might makes right” seems to be making a comeback. Russia attacked Ukraine and annexed part of its territory. Even if you believe the Crimea never should have been part of the Ukraine, these sorts of disputes were not supposed to be settled with the use of force. Elsewhere, leaders in China, India and Turkey have pursued an increasingly muscular and nationalistic foreign policy, albeit not as aggressively as Russia.
What about the US?
1. The official policy of the US is still to oppose might makes right (we still have sanctions on Russia), but our current president seems increasingly sympathetic to the doctrine. Thus while US policy opposes Russian actions in the Ukraine, President Trump is known to be more sympathetic to the Russian position. Trump remarked to aides that Ukraine is not a real country. (Actually, it is.) In his public statements, Trump’s comments about foreign dictators are much more complimentary than his statements about democratically elected leaders of our allies.
2. The Trump administration recently reversed a long-standing US policy of opposing Israeli policies that involve forcibly taking land from Arabs on the West Bank. I don’t mean to suggest that Israel is the only villain here; perhaps the Arabs are even more to blame. Nonetheless, this policy change is revealing as an indication that might makes right is how the Trump administration views the world. It represents a dangerous precedent, no matter how just the Israeli position:
By declaring earlier this week that the United States does not consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal—and thereby recognizing some form of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied territory—President Donald Trump’s administration not only undercut over 50 years of U.S. foreign policy, it also undermined the basis for the United States’ objection to Russia’s land grab in Crimea, China’s absorption of Tibet in the 1950s and current designs on the South China Sea, and any future move by either to extend their borders to places where they can assert—even a flimsy—historic or ethnic rationale.
That the entire episode contradicts the United Nations Charter, of which the United States was a co-author, is hardly surprising at this point: For Trump, the U.N. may well be merely another skyscraper in Manhattan that would look better with his name on top. To the rest of the world, however, the decision will mark the final collapse of Pax Americana, the overly simplistic but still valid idea that U.S. military, economic, and diplomatic power has helped the world avoid a third world war through a combination of deterring revanchism, selective intervention, and global economic and diplomatic institution-building.
3. After WWII, there was a widely shared conviction that war crimes were unacceptable. The US punished a number of soldiers who committed war crimes in Vietnam, Iraq, and elsewhere. Now President Trump is preventing the military from punishing war criminals. This is an indication that Trump believes that powerful countries such as the US are “above the law”. I.e., war crimes only apply to our enemies, who are always weaker than us and thus unable to prosecute American soldiers.
One way to think about recent history is that we are now far enough away from WWII that we’ve forgotten its lessons. The style of today’s nationalists is very similar to those of the 1930s. (I emphasize “style”, as the actual policies are obviously nowhere near as bad.) There is the repeated use of the “big lie”, the demonization of “fake news”, the demonization of foreigners and minorities, dark theories of a “deep state” controlled by international cosmopolitan elements, a masculine-oriented view of society where women are encouraged to return to more traditional roles, frequent “jokes” about violence against the media or one’s political opponents, conflating policy disagreements with treason. I encourage people to read a political history of the 1930s; you’ll be shocked at the number of similarities to today. Indeed some of these might also make the left uncomfortable, such as the abuses of power by FDR.
Henry Kissinger is of the WWII generation, and he is concerned that we are repeating the mistakes of the past:
“China is a major economic country, and so are we. And so we are bound to step on each other’s toes all over the world, in the sense of being conscious of the purposes of the other,” Kissinger said. “Therefore, if conflict is permitted to develop unconstrained, the outcome could be even worse than it was in Europe,” he said, referring to World War I.
Today, the great powers have nuclear weapons, and hence a repeat of the two world wars is unlikely. Nonetheless, there is a risk of accidents or miscalculation leading to catastrophe. A world of “might makes right” makes that risk somewhat greater. More likely, the great powers will flex their power over weaker nations and/or unpopular minorities within their country. We may look back on the 1990s as a Golden Age.
P Burgos
Nov 24 2019 at 6:54pm
If you count Tiananmen Square as part of the 1990’s (1989), I am not so sure that the 1990’s look so good. Also, didn’t the failures of the 90’s lay down some of the roots of today’s resurgent nationalism? It is difficult to imagine the the economic crisis of the past 10 years would have been nearly so bad absent the Euro (and Poland, which kept the Zloty, seems to have actually had a pretty good decade). And the 90’s were a failure in Russia that set the stage for Putin, and probably also played no small part in convincing China’s elites that continued authoritarian one party rule was a fine and good thing. Didn’t the 90’s also bring the rise of the contemporary Republican Party (ie the party of Trump) with Newt Gingrich and his cronies? The 1950’s and 60’s as a golden age makes sense to me (civil rights movement and legislation, successful war on poverty, mass prosperity, birth control, birth control, vaccines, etc.). The 90’s seem like a time when the West was eating seed corn instead of planting for the future.
Scott Sumner
Nov 25 2019 at 12:21am
I don’t see any evidence that economic problems in the 1990s (which was a fairly prosperous decade) played any role in the rise of nationalism. Nationalism is on the rise almost everywhere, which suggests it has nothing to do with economic conditions.
Lorenzo from Oz
Nov 25 2019 at 5:49pm
Evidence suggests that disruptive changes that people feel they have little or no control over encourages retreat into congenial identities. Typically, the one that they feel they have most in common with that has the higher status.
That can include economically positive disruptive changes. So, if one does not worry about the sign of economic effects but just look at their scale, economic conditions may have something to do with the rise of nationalism. Though things such as migration (or, really, any disruptive change) can also affect such matters.
Nov 25 2019 at 4:06pm
Many people look to the 1950s and ’60s as a golden era, largely based on televised images of that time. But when you actually go back and review the footage, you discover something that historians often neglect to mention: laugh tracks. They were everywhere. Even a few hours of reviewing this material will cause contemporary Americans to recoil in horror at our past barbarism.
E. Harding
Nov 24 2019 at 11:25pm
Nothing suggests it. Ukraine is poor, divided, and corrupt, and its national identity is more widely supported among its elite than its people, in stark contrast to actual nationalistic movements around the world. India, China, Pakistan, and Germany can all stand and defend themselves on their own two feet. Ukraine cannot.
India’s clashes with Pakistan, China’s construction of islands in the South China Sea, and Turkey’s brazen invasion and occupation of Afrin and Ras al Ayn are all substantially more aggressive than Russia’s aid to separatists in Ukraine. It is important to note the violence in Ukraine did not begin with the Russian intervention. Lvov antigovernment activists were already seizing weapons from government stores prior to the coup in 2014. It was this brazen threat against Ukraine’s legitimate government, in an indirect threat to Russia’s own government, that caused Russia to militarily intervene in that conflict on the side of the separatists.
No, they are not. Anecdote is not data. Trump has been a generally conflict-prone president with Syria, Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, China, Canada, Pakistan, etc. He has been friendly with Japan, Poland, Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel.
I firmly agree that Trump’s willingness to condone the Israeli settlement enterprise in Ukraine (condemned by every country except Canada, the United States, Colombia, and Brazil) is a grave and highly unwelcome monkey wrench thrown into the Palestinian peace process. The next president, however, will more likely than not reverse this decision.
Richard A.
Nov 24 2019 at 11:52pm
“Might makes right” is the neocon philosophy. Are you forgetting our illegal invasion of Iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives? BTW, the Trump administration is a neocon infested administration.
Scott Sumner
Nov 25 2019 at 12:23am
Richard, There’s some truth in that, but even the neocons were more internationalist than the current administration.
Brian Donohue
Nov 25 2019 at 1:03pm
Necon chickenhawks are the worst. ‘Might makes right’ never went away. Realists like John Mearsheimer (who opposed the awful and stupid Iraq War and lots of our subsequent meddling, unlike the chickenhawks) are vindicated every day. Don’t mistake the stories we tell ourselves for what is actually happening.
Mark Z
Nov 26 2019 at 1:35am
Unfortunately. The world would be a better place if they had worried less about it.
Nov 25 2019 at 8:38am
The world has always been might makes right. Has the US ever complied with a UN resolution that was unpopular domestically? Heck, we still have sanctions on Cuba even though those are opposed by nearly every other nation on Earth and most Americans to boot–but our foreign policy establishment always gets its way because it has the might.
Another example that I learned about recently is Diego Garcia. While the US media constantly treats China building artificial islands in the South China Sea as aggression, we and the UK kicked all the natives off an inhabited island in the middle of the Indian Ocean to build a military base there, and then recently ignored an international arbitration decision that the islands belong to Mauritius. This seems like a far worse version of what is happening in the South China Sea, yet it is never covered in our media and I only learned about it from reading about UK politics.
The good thing about the Trump era is that many things that were previously only said in secret are now being said aloud, and this is creating a backlash, with more public support for non-interventionist policies than before. I know Tulsi Gabbard was widely panned after the last debate, but she’s the first of her kind even running in the Democratic primary. And while I disagree with Jeremy Corbyn on nearly everything else, his foreign policy at least deviates from might-makes-right.
Scott Sumner
Nov 25 2019 at 1:08pm
I agree about the double standard regarding China and the UK. The Cuban sanctions are wrong, as you suggest. But I would note that Trump has reversed course on Cuba, tightening sanctions that Obama had reduced. So he is clearly moving in the wrong direction.
Nov 25 2019 at 4:38pm
Reinhold Niebuhr, American theologian and clergyman, The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness (1944).
Nov 26 2019 at 7:05pm
Might makes right in China too.
To the point of genocide. So much so that it has led me to the point of questioning the underlying theory of whether free trade with such countries is a good thing. Our (meaning economists’) general belief is that trade prevents war.
But what if trade is so profitable that it leads us to overlook crimes reminiscent of the Holocaust? The truth is that making a buck has lead businesses, academics, journalists, and politicians to look the other way about things we would never countenance within our own borders. It’s a bad outcome for everyone.
Armin Chosnama
Nov 30 2019 at 3:10am
Interesting on the Israeli settlements is your choice to start the “might makes right” clock now, instead of when Israel’s neighbors decided to gang up on it in order to destroy it.
Why on Earth should Israel not be able to build on unused land that was mandated to them by one of the very same international bodies that is positively mentioned in the post as an antidote to “might makes right?”
There’s an insidious bias against winners in progressive thought.
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