Last Friday, February 19, I gave about a 1.6 hour Zoom talk to Ryan Sullivan’s class at the Naval Postgraduate School.
It was titled “Don’t Forget What We Know: The Ethical and Economic Case Against Lockdowns.”
Here it is.
By the way, the most surprising thing I heard from Jeremy Horpedahl in his debate/discussion with Phil Magness is that when there’s an externality, there’s a presumption in favor of government intervention. I disagree and I say why at about the 28:50 point.
The Commissar Komisar discussion at 54:27 is based on a short blog post I did here.
Jon Murphy
Feb 25 2021 at 10:59pm
I love your conversation on externalities. It reminds me a lot of Carl Dahlman’s point in his paper The Problem of Externality, namely that any pronouncement of market failure necessarily entails a judgement on the ability of government to fix it.
Per Kurowski
Feb 27 2021 at 9:39am
We older who know we should take much care, but want to keep schools and the economy open, allowing our younger to pursue herd immunity at much lower lifetime cost for them, must fight against those who want to impose lockdowns in order to obtain herd docility.
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