The Economist has a new article discussing how interest rate hikes have failed to slow inflation in many countries. The title made me smile:
Even super-tight policy is not bringing down inflation
They focus on Chile:
It feels a little unfair. In July 2021, as rate-setters in America and Europe dismissed the risk of entrenched inflation, the Central Bank of Chile got its act together. Worried that inflation would rise and stay high, its policymakers voted to lift rates from 0.5% to 0.75%. The bank has since raised rates again and again, outpacing investors’ expectations and taking the policy rate all the way up to 11.25%. Perhaps no other central bank has pursued price stability with such dedication.
Has the star pupil been rewarded? Hardly. In September Chile’s prices rose by 14% year on year.
And it’s not just Chile:
The Economist has gathered data on Chile and seven other countries in which the central bank started a tightening cycle at least a year ago, and did so after having slashed interest rates to an all-time low early in the covid-19 pandemic (see chart ). The group includes Brazil, Hungary, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Peru and Poland. . . . Call the unlikely gang “Hikelandia”.
In September core inflation in Hikelandia hit 9.5%, year on year, up 3.5 percentage points from March. Worse still, the gap between global core inflation and Hikelandia’s reading seems to be widening, not shrinking.
And it’s not just energy costs:
Dig into the national statistics of Hikelandia, and the trends become even more concerning. Chile’s wage growth continues to accelerate. In September South Korea’s inflation rate in the labour-intensive service sector was 4.2% year on year, its highest since the early 2000s. In the past six months Hungary’s service-sector inflation has climbed from 7.2% to 11.5%. Across the club, inflation is becoming more dispersed, affecting a wider range of goods and services. In September the price of 89% of the components in Norway’s inflation basket rose by more than 2% year on year, up from 53% six months before. In research on Poland, published in late September, economists at Goldman Sachs found evidence that “underlying inflation momentum has picked up again”.
The Economist seems to assume that the higher the interest rate, the tighter the money. I’m not sure why they didn’t mention Argentina in their article, where interest rates and inflation have recently risen to roughly 70%. At no point in the article does the Economist question the assumption that higher interest rates represent tighter money. It seems to be accepted as a matter of faith.
Unfortunately, the Economist is now in the mainstream. Twenty years ago, it was conventional wisdom among economists that interest rates don’t measure the stance of monetary policy. But that is no longer the case.
Historians of science note that when models are flawed, empirical anomalies begin to pile up. Eventually, this leads to a paradigm shift and a new and improved model takes over. In this case, we merely need to return to the mainstream monetary model of 2002, where low interest rates did not represent easy money and where monetary policy remained “highly effective” at zero interest rates.
Some might argue that these anomalies point to the need to replace the flawed Keynesian model with a NeoFisherian model, where higher rates represent easier money. But that merely replaces one form of “reasoning from a price change” with another. The point is not to reason from a price change, but to look at the factors that are causing interest rates to change.
Back in 2007, the Fed did not pay interest on reserves. Instead it used the injection and removal of base money as a tool to target interest rates. In late 2007 and early 2008, they reduced their target interest rate from 5.25% to 2.0%. Was that easier money? No, because they did not take any expansionary policy steps to generate the lower rates, they merely followed the market lower. Indeed the growth rate of the monetary base actually slowed sharply. (Just to be clear, the base is also not a good policy indicator, due to shifts in base money demand.) The Fed’s policy was contractionary, and the effect was much slower NGDP growth. I suspect that if you looked at old copies of the Economist, you’d find they reported that the Fed was easing monetary policy during this period.
Commenters keep asking me, “What should the Fed have done differently with interest rates?” That question drives me crazy, as it plays into the myth that interest rates are monetary policy. I have no idea whether interest should have been higher or lower in 2022 (or whether the monetary base should have been bigger or smaller), but I am confident that monetary policy should have been much tighter.
If you insist on the language of interest rates, I will say that rates needed to be higher relative to the natural rate of interest. But that’s not very informative, as a much tighter monetary policy would have produced a much lower natural rate of interest. Thus, I have no idea whether interest rates should have been higher or lower in absolute terms. In those Hikelandia countries, it’s pretty clear that the natural rate of interest has been rising sharply. That’s why what looks to the Economist like a tight money policy, has not been tight at all.
The world is divided up into three camps:
1. Doves who believe the Fed has tightened too much.
2. Hawks who believe the Fed has not tightened enough.
3. And a tiny group of heterodox economists who don’t believe that rising rates represent tighter monetary policy.
All of the media is in one of the first two groups. I’m in the third group. If the anomalies keep mounting, they we should start gaining adherents. But just as with the liquidity trap myth, there is a danger that the anomalies lead to an even worse theory:
Perhaps inflation is simply harder to stop than anyone could have predicted a year ago. A report published in the summer by the Bank for International Settlements, a club for central banks, hinted at this possibility. In a “low-inflation regime”, the norm before the pandemic, no one paid much attention to prices, ensuring they did not rise quickly. But in a “high-inflation regime”, such as in the 1970s, households and firms start to track inflation closely, leading in time to “behavioural changes that could entrench it”. If the world has shifted from one norm to another, then different tools may be needed to cool prices.
If you sharply slow NGDP growth, then inflation will fall—regardless of “household expectations”.
Whenever the economy begins reacting to monetary policy in a way that is inconsistent with mainstream theory, people start questioning the effectiveness of monetary policy. In the early 2010s, many pundits insisted that monetary policy was ineffective because the economy was weak at a time of low interest rates. Sigh . . .
Nov 10 2022 at 1:23pm
re: ” the base is also not a good policy indicator, due to shifts in base money demand”
The monetary base = required reserves period. The increase in the currency component is contractionary, so the trading desk always offsets the decrease with an expansion of Reserve Bank credit.
This is how Bernanke bankrupt America:
Scott Sumner
Nov 10 2022 at 3:35pm
You should just link to a data set. Providing the data this way is overkill–it takes up way too much space.
Knut P. Heen
Nov 10 2022 at 2:04pm
It is even funnier to hear the people who claim that a higher interest rate makes us all poorer.
Art K
Nov 10 2022 at 2:14pm
I thought this myself but didn’t see anyone mention this. I thought contractionary monetary policy provides the required deflationary outcome.
Other questions:
Would a temporary sales tax provide the same inflationary dampening affect?
Due to proximity and economic linkages, if the US acts to tamper inflation, does Canada need to take any major action regarding inflation? I assume America’s inflation tampering action would fix Canada’s inflation problem.
Nov 10 2022 at 3:03pm
Yes, you are a heterodox economist. (“[H]eterodox economists . . . don’t believe that rising rates represent tighter monetary policy.”) But, as you have defined ‘hawk’ (“Hawks . . . believe the Fed has not tightened enough”), you are also a hawk—you believe the Fed has not tightened enough. Not tightening at all is, under the circumstances, not tightening enough.
Stéphane Couvreur
Nov 10 2022 at 4:19pm
See Chapter 11 of The Money Illusion for those who want to understand Scott’s post:
Albert Camus wrote:
I like it when people give definitions.
And being useful is an appropriate criterion for a good definition (besides being clear, non circular, not too wide and not too narrow) as per pragmatism. It means that using this definition to act and communicate must help attain a given goal. In Scott’s case, I assume the goal is to implement NGDP targeting.
Nov 10 2022 at 7:52pm
Interest rates are the Fed’s dominant tool. In the 1980s, interest rates rose to 20 percent and it ended inflation. Raise them high enough and NGDP will go down. I’m not sure what the issue is, other than a mistaken assumption that any increase is tight money.
Scott Sumner
Nov 10 2022 at 10:44pm
Argentina just raised rates to 70%, and inflation is still soaring. It depends whether you raise rates with tight money or easy money.
Nov 11 2022 at 1:06pm
Does anyone really know the real rate of interest there? By tight money, I assume you mean credit rationing.
Scott Sumner
Nov 11 2022 at 7:04pm
No, I mean a monetary policy stance that reduces NGDP growth.
Nov 13 2022 at 4:38pm
The economist is doubling down on the interest rate claim:
Nov 11 2022 at 4:53am
So I’m a little confused. If money really not tight now, what should the central banks be doing? Raise interest rates even higher? Stop paying interest on reserves? What else?
NGDP targeting? OK, fine. But when NGDP growth is above trend even with high rates, what else should be done to bring it down?
Scott Sumner
Nov 11 2022 at 11:49am
NGDP level targeting would reduce the natural rate of interest, which would help to bring inflation down, even at current interest rates. I’m not sure where interest rates should be, I’d prefer to leave that to the market.
Nov 11 2022 at 7:36am
I didn’t expect the post’s explosion. And, I’m beginning to think you’re right about targeting just N-gDp. But I’m leery of the mechanism.
The elimination of monetarism by Greenspan and Powell will exacerbate the fluctuation in r-star.
Roger Sparks
Nov 11 2022 at 8:51am
CBs worldwide consistently fail to act like they are in control. To be in control, a controller must act abruptly.
If the Fed had made incremental interest rate jumps of at least one percent at the beginning of the hiking period, rather than one fourth percent, the market would have known that the Fed was serious. Controlling jumps cause serious losses to exposed positions, resulting in ‘lessons learned’ and less exposure to Fed decisions.
Thomas Lee Hutcheson
Nov 13 2022 at 7:10am
I think the word “policy” is ambiguous. It is better to talk about the settings of the instruments, targets, and outcomes. The question should be, will the current and expected future settings of its various policy instruments — IOR, Fed funds rates, net sales of long term assets, whatever — likely to return average inflation to 2% PCE while maximizing employment (which does not rule out a decrease along the way), which is it’s mandate. Scott seems to think not. This judgement depends both on Scott’s model of how instrument settings affect inflation and employment as well as his expectation of future instrument settings.
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