The U.S. economy should be liberated from the government’s lockdowns right away.
Tuesday, April 21, 6:00 p.m. EDT.
The U.S. economy should be liberated from the government’s lockdowns right away.
Tuesday, April 21, 6:00 p.m. EDT.
Apr 21 2020
One of the wisest things ever said about poetry was said by the Canadian poet Tom Wayman in his poem “What Good Poems are For.” Wayman describes a man who is so moved by a poem “about work he did, what he knew about,/ written by somebody like himself” that he takes it from table to table in a dive bar, reading ...
Apr 21 2020
To wrap up the Dale Carnegie Book Club, I'm going to shoot an Ask Me Anything video next week. Got questions about Carnegie's classic book? Want advice about sticky social situations? Want to know why anyone should listen to me about this despite my admitted social shortcomings? Just ask in the comments!
Apr 20 2020
The U.S. economy should be liberated from the government's lockdowns right away. Tuesday, April 21, 6:00 p.m. EDT. The debate will be live-streamed via Zoom to a limited audience, who will be able to write in questions during the debate that might be used during the Q&A segment. Live-stream reg...
Apr 21 2020 at 7:25am
LA County results mirror Santa Clara County. More evidence that the virus has been in the US for a while.
I think it drops the CA mortality rate under .1% ( until they go back and figure out which winter flu deaths were really COVID).
Apr 21 2020 at 7:27am
My guess is CA infections peaked prior to the shutdown orders.
Thomas Hutcheson
Apr 21 2020 at 9:15am
As announced, (hopefully this is just a click bait headline problem) the debate seems unlikely to lead to anything positive. National “lock down” or “liberation” is not the alternative. The debate should be between alternative procedures that localities should employ to use evolving data on infections and health-care capacity to relax, intensify or otherwise modify their existing regulations.
Apr 22 2020 at 3:12am
Why is there not a meaningful debate between whether procedures should be determined by the federal government (national lockdown) vs. state and local governments (liberation)? You seem to favor the latter. And, if one views the latter as better than the former, then why wouldn’t there be a meaningful analogous debate as to whether “alternative procedures” should be determined by state and local governments (lockdown) vs. firms and individuals (liberation)? The fundamental question in both debates is, at that relevant scale, do the benefits of incorporating distributed, local information (liberation) outweigh some presumed benefit of central planning/coordination (lockdown).
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