Liberty and Liberalism
By Bruce Smith
Biographical Remarks on Arthur Bruce Smith (1851-1937)
by David M. HartBruce Smith was an Australian Barrister (a lawyer who is qualified to argue before a judge) and a Member of the Parliament of New South Wales when it was still a self-governing colony before it became one of the states in the federal Commonwealth of Australia (1901). He also went on to have a parliamentary career after Federation. I first came across Smith’s name while doing research on 19th century French free trade thought in the Mitchell Library (the State Library of NSW). One of the issues that had made the debates over Federalism so bitter in Australia was the fact that the state of New South Wales (capital of Sydney) was very pro-free trade, while the state of Victoria (capital city Melbourne) was very protectionist. Unfortunately for Australian economic history, the new Federal government adopted Victorian-style protectionism and free-trading NSW had to abandon its position if it wished to join the Federation. Thus for nearly 75 years, until deregulation became government policy again in the 1970s, Australia was a strongly protectionist nation. However, as a result of NSW’s strong 19th century free trade tradition the State Library had a very impressive collection of free trade writings in both the English and French languages, hence my interest in their holdings. It was while doing research on
Gustave de Molinari and other French classical liberals that I came across Smith’s book “Liberty and Liberalism”. Upon closer examination I realised that Smith was one of the very few (perhaps the only one) Spencerite liberals in the Australian colonies. As he says in his introduction, while doing research for this book he came across the writings of the English “Liberty and Property Defence League” which was a group of radical individualists and free traders who had among their members
Thomas Mackay and Auberon Herbert (whose books we have online at Econlib). Although he was not a member of the League, their guiding spirit was
Herbert Spencer. Smith came to share many of their ideas as the book will show. We present it online as part of our ongoing series of critiques of socialist thought.
David M. Hart
May 3, 2004
First Pub. Date
London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
Pub. Date
The text of this edition is in the public domain.
IN order to assist those who wish to verify my references and also with a view of indicating the nature and extent of the materials which I have used, I have drawn up the following list of the principal works quoted or consulted:—
ABOUT (EDMUND): “Handbook of Social Economy.”
Strachan, 1872.
AMOS (SHELDON): “Science of Politics.”
Kegan, Paul and Co. 1883.
ARGYLE (DUKE OF): “Reign of Law.”
Strachan and Co., 1871.
ARISTOTLE: “Politics and Economics.”
George Bell and Sons, 1885.
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George Bell and Sons, 1885.
AUSTIN (JOHN): “Lectures on Jurisprudence.”
Murray, 1869.
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Chapman and Hall, 1882.
BAGEHOT (WALTER): “Physics and Politics.”
Kegan, Paul and Co.
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Bush, 1870.
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Longmans, 1881.
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Longmans, 1882. 2 vols.
BEACONSFIELD (EARL OF): “Life of Earl of Beaconsfield,” by Lewis Apjohn.
Tyne Publishing Company (no date).
BENTHAM (JEREMY): “Theory of Legislation.”
Trubner, 1876.
BRAMWELL (LORD): “Laissez-faire.”
Liberty and Property Defence League (no date).
BRAMWELL (SIR F.): “State Monopoly, or Private Enterprise.”
Liberty and Property Defence League, 1884.
BRIGHT (JOHN): “Life of John Bright,” by Lewis Apjohn.
Tyne Publishing Company (no date).
BRIGHT (JOHN): “Speeches.”
Macmillan and Co., 1878.
BUCKLE (THOMAS): “History of Civilisation in England.”
Longmans, 1873. 3 vols.
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George Bell and Sons, 1877. 6 vols.
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Macmillan, 1884. 2 vols.
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Chapman and Hall, 1872.
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Lockwood, 1865.
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Trübner, 1885.
Contemporary Review: “Progress of Socialism,” April, 1883.
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COWEN (JOSEPH): “Speeches.”
Reid, Newcastle, 1885.
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Liberty and Property Defence League (no date).
DE LOLME (J. L.): “British Constitution.”
Murray, 1781.
DE TOQUEVILLE (ALEXIS): “Democracy in America.”
Longmans, 1875. 2 vols.
Liberty and Property Defence League, 1885.
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Liberty and Property Defence League, 1886.
“Encyclopædia Britannica.” Ninth edition.
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Macmillan, 1883.
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Longmans, 1870.
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Kegan, Paul and Co., 1884.
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Kegan, Paul and Co., 1885.
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Appleton, N. Y., 1868.
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Tyne Publishing Company (no date).
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Hatten (no date).
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Macmillan, 1876.
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Longmans, 1875.
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Kegan, Paul and Co., 1885.
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George Robertson, Melbourne, 1878.
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Williams and Norgate, 1885.
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Routledge, 1885.
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Chapman, 1854.
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“Over Legislation at St. Stephens.”
Liberty and Property Defence League, 1884.
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Routledge (no date).
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WEMYSS (EARL OF) AND SOUTHERST (T.)—Correspondence between, on Shop Hours Regulation.
Liberty and Property Defence League 1885.