Editor's Introduction to "Float or Sink? The Millstone of the 'Social Market' in Germany"
By David M. Hart

This bibliographical essay is David Hart’s introduction to Float or Sink? The Millstone of the “Social Market” in Germany, by Anthony de Jasay.
I. Websites
The following is a selection of mainly German language websites which focus on free market economic policy. English language material can be found at the Centre for a New Europe website and the selection of articles by Prof. Christian Watrin:
1. Walter Eucken Instute— http://walter-eucken-institut.de/
2. Ludwig Erhard Stiftung— http://www.ludwig-erhard-stiftung.de/
3. Prof. Christian Watrin, the Institute for Economic Policy Research at the University of Cologne in Germany. A selection of his articles is available online at http://www.uni-koeln.de/wiso-fak/eekhoff/pub/schrift.htm
4. The Friedrich Hayek Institute— http://www.hayek-institut.at/
5. The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung— http://www.kas.de
6. The Frankfurt Institute— http://www.frankfurt-institut.de
7. The Centre for a New Europe— http://www.cne.org
8. The Germany Embassy website in Washington, D.C. –
9. The German Government site of the Federal Department of Economics
and Labor –
II. Bibliography
The Social Market Economy. Theory and Ethics of the Economic Order, ed.
Peter Koslowski (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer, 1998).
Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy Vol. 17.
A Bibliography celebrating 50 years of the Social Market Economy in Germany (1948-98) prepared by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung –
For more articles by David M. Hart, see the Archive.