I just finished watching an excellent 45-minute discussion led by my Hoover colleague Scott Atlas. The two participants he questioned were Hoover colleagues Russ Roberts and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
The topic was Hoover’s Human Prosperity Project and both had a lot of great insights and great lines.
Among the lines that stood out was one from Ali. If I remember correctly, she said it in the context of her story about growing up in Somalia and seeing her mother lining up for food for hours after Somalia went the socialist route under Siad Barre. She explained that whereas socialism is utopian and aims at nice goals like equality and prosperity for everyone, it ends up as “The Flintstones without the nice tune.”
Jacob Egner
Jul 23 2020 at 3:55pm
The post title is “Flintstones Without the Nice Tune” but the post body ends with “The Flintstones with the nice tune”. Considering that on EconLog, authors do get to choose the title, perhaps you have a typo in the post? <smiling_and_winking_emoji/>
David Henderson
Jul 23 2020 at 3:59pm
Oops. Thanks, Jacob. Change made.
I was in a hurry to go and get lunch. Should have reread the second time.
Jul 24 2020 at 11:48am
Except, course, the Flintstones were the ‘modern stone age family’. No food lines in Bedrock — just Bronto burgers and ribs heavy enough to tip over a car with stone wheels (yes, I might have watched just a few Flintstones reruns after school when I was kid).
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