The Economist has an interesting article on the world’s largest city:
Tokyo is now the world’s largest city, with 37m residents in the metropolitan area and 14m in the city proper. It is also one of the world’s most liveable, with punctual public transport, safe neighbourhoods, clean streets and more restaurants and Michelin stars than any other. In the liveability index of the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister group, Tokyo comes joint fourth, but its population is larger than the combined populations of the others (Adelaide, Auckland, Osaka and Wellington). “It’s possible to have a liveable city at any scale—Tokyo proves that,” says Gabriel Metcalf, at Committee for Sydney, an Australian think-tank.
The article discusses the role of planning:
Tokyo’s liveability is a product of planning’s successes but also its failures, argues Jordan Sand of Georgetown University. One success was public transport. After the Meiji restoration, the government put rail ahead of roads, expanding networks through the city and then underground. Even as large firms in America built headquarters in suburbs, in Japan they clustered around transport hubs, incentivising the use of trains and subways, says Okata Junichiro of the University of Tokyo. That helped make Tokyo polycentric, with many hubs, not one.
What the article doesn’t say is that the transit system is surprisingly decentralized. While Tokyo’s largest operator (JR East) is government owned, the metro area is served by 48 different commuter rail operators. Of the 158 rail lines in the Tokyo area, no fewer than 55 are run by private operators.
You may recall that Japan’s postwar boom occurred partly because firms like Honda ignored the diktats of government planners (who wanted them to stick to motorcycles.) Something similar happened with urban planning:
Around those hubs grew dense, mixed-use neighbourhoods. That was the planning “failure”. After the war, city planners sought to impose zoning as in the West, as they had after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. But the government’s resources were too limited and Tokyo’s growth too rapid to control the process. Japan instead developed lax zoning codes, which allow pretty much anything to be built, rather than prescribing what is permitted. Historically, this model “was part of a modernist ethos to separate functions, to say work happens here, living happens here”, explains Mohsen Mostafavi of Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.
For those interested in urban planning, I found this video on Tokyo’s lax zoning rules to be quite interesting:
Dec 23 2021 at 11:06pm
Singapore also has a great amount of mixed development. I am not sure whether that’s because of enlightened non-restrictive zoning, or because of an attempt at mixed zoning that fortunately failed.
Given all I know about Singapore, the latter seems unlikely, so it’s probably the former.
Dec 23 2021 at 11:09pm
Btw, what were the arguments in the past for single use restrictive zoning? Why did it become so popular with planners?
I only hear about it in the negative.
Scott Sumner
Dec 24 2021 at 1:31am
One factor in the US was segregation. When the courts declared racial segregation to be illegal, zoning to prevent low cost housing became an alternative policy. Presumably that was not a factor in Japan.
Luc Mennet
Dec 24 2021 at 2:55pm
Much of the time when people talk about zoning in a positive light, it’s with somewhat strange, paternalistic arguments that seem to indicate that people don’t really decide where they want to live, like “nobody wants to live next to a factory, so we shouldn’t allow people to live there!” ignoring the fact that if people don’t want to live next to factories, they just wouldn’t, and also that there are in fact a lot of good reasons to want to live next to a factory, (eg low rent, low transportation costs) or any other evil zoning thing. Additionally a lot of it can kind of just come down to nonsensical nimbyism about the “aesthetics” of cities, and people who just don’t like how things like multi-family house “looks.”
David S
Dec 25 2021 at 6:28pm
I’m working my way through a book by Sonia Hirt called “Zoned in the U.S.A.” that covers nearly everything about zoning—and also provides comparisons to other cultures. The short version of the story is that the U.S. is an outlier, and not in a good way, because of the extreme restrictions in land use regulation.
Sort of related to this topic, I just found out that Cato fired Randall O’Toole the week before Christmas. I find this puzzling, but he’s promised more details on why this happened. I wonder if it’s a case of the right continuing to eat its own—a tactic that I thought my fellow leftists had a monopoly on until the Trump era. I owe O’Toole a lot for opening my eyes about transportation networks, and by extension, American policies land use, markets, and voter preferences.
Matthias, I’m curious about your take on German urban development; partly because a lot of cities there had the same restructuring imposed in the 1940’s.
Dec 24 2021 at 3:15am
I wonder about one line of your article:
Is JR East government-owned?
JR East was once a government-owned entity; it became fully privatized in 2002. East Japan Railway Company was the largest of the six regional passenger companies into which Japan’s state-owned railroad company, Japan National Railway, was divided in April 1987.
Scott Sumner
Dec 24 2021 at 1:06pm
Thanks for correcting me.
Thomas Lee Hutcheson
Dec 24 2021 at 7:12am
We think of immigration as being so central to the economic success of US and Europe, especially the UK, it is interesting that Japan has done well with very little.
Mark Brophy
Dec 26 2021 at 5:32pm
Japan has been declining for 30 years.
Alan Goldhammer
Dec 24 2021 at 8:04am
Nice post from Scott. I was reminded about how central planning can fail and have picked up my well worn copy of Jane Jacobs’s “The Death and Life of Great American Cities” which is always worth rereading every five years ago. Of course Robert Caro’s bio of Robert Moses, “Robert Moses and the Fall of New York” is masterful but a real slog to read.
Thomas Strenge
Dec 24 2021 at 8:04am
Rents do a wonderful job of allocating real estate. It makes no sense to build a polluting factory on expensive real estate. Retail and restaurants want to be near high traffic locations. Developers want to maximize the value of housing and thus take advantage of views and natural settings in order to attract high end customers. The invisible hand works!
Lizard Man
Dec 24 2021 at 3:15pm
Does the invisible hand solve crime?
Jose Pablo
Dec 24 2021 at 5:02pm
We have put the “visible hand” of the State in charge of “solving crime”.
That’s, very likely, the main reason why 50% of murders, 67% of rapes and 90% of car thefts do not get cleared.
Thomas Lee Hutcheson
Dec 24 2021 at 6:11pm
The pollution for the factory should be taxed. the location may affect the harm from the pollutions and so the tax rate. “Zoning” is not necessary if externalities are taxed.
Donald Pretari
Dec 24 2021 at 6:43pm
Scott, “The Money Illusion” is my favorite book about 2008 and its meaning and consequences. My brother is a professor in Tokyo. I’ll send him this post. Cheers, Don Pretari PS Don the libertarian Democrat22. March 2009 at 08:43 “Is this a fair assessment? Probably not. I’m trying to be succinct, and I have a different view. But as I told Nick Rowe, behaviorism does seem to be the philosophy underlying much of modern economics. Anyway, since I approach economics through philosophy, but one centered on intentionality, I would be interested in how economists view their theories philosophically, if they do.”
I started commenting on Econ blogs because no one seemed to know about the Chicago Plan of 1933, put forth by my heroes Henry Simons, Frank Knight, and Fisher. All this time and these are still my heroes.
Scott Sumner
Dec 25 2021 at 10:53am
Thanks Donald. I recall you were one of my best commenters back then. Happy Holidays.
Dec 31 2021 at 9:22pm
Isn’t Tokyo’s success due to low crime? American cities that are affordable, like Chicago, are not very safe.
Then again, Houston has improved much over the last twenty years, and it is very affordable.
How do you think cities in America handle zoning deregulation in the circumstance of above average crime rates?
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