In the previous post we looked at the peculiar theoretical orientations of MMT to understand their boastful confidence in the efficacy of government controls over the economy. While this may present certain near-term advantages in the most apparent and nominal interpretations of data, it is exactly in the unseen and unaccounted for costs of their policies that their weaknesses are to be found.
At its most basic level, a cost expresses itself in the loss of something–the loss of an opportunity, of chances not taken, of resources not used, or used differently from what would have been freely chosen by the owners of a resource. When you lose ownership, or what amounts to the same thing, when you lose effective control over your own earnings and property, you have incurred a cost. The highest cost is when you are deprived of your own physical self, either through slavery or the deprivation of life.
Given the enormous levels of national debt, we are now effectively mortgaged to our government. The government remains ours only in the sense that we may have voted for its members (though certainly not all of them). But let there be no mistake. It will be controlled not by us individually but by the articulate and well-placed leaders of our day, whosoever they may be, from whatever party they may come. And they will exact real costs through such programs of finance and regulation. Without special care to constrain them, those costs may well prove greater than any might wish to pay.
In this, MMT will encourage just the opposite counsel from that of restraint, encouraging administrative overreach and experiments in social reorganization because of its peculiar orientation to the seen and the intentional. Without a full accounting of costs, including the unseen and the largely subjective, MMT prescriptions will have many more accelerators than breaks.
MMT will count jobs as they exist nominally, but not the unseen ones never created. MMT will count factories built, but not industries never started. Its theorists will gauge the rate of inflation measured in total expenditures of existing economic and public activity but will never consider the costs of plans thwarted and freedoms curtailed. MMT theorists won’t do any accounting of the things not seen because it is only the legally extant and physically tangible that they value as the expression and form of a new national social order.
And here is where the Austrians could very well either meet the challenge or fall down dramatically in the current context.
Rather than Mises and Rothbard’s overly predictable predictions of crisis, I would suggest taking a page from the playbook of Ludwig Lachmann. Lachmann understood that real thorough-going subjectivism applied to all aspects of life, and worried precisely about what his colleague Karl Mittermaier once called the “mechanomorphism” of an overly deterministic rationality in economics.
Lachmann’s debate with Mises on the nature of Austrian business cycle theory was directly on this point. The human mind is much too variable to be constrained to just one pattern of outcome. Even business cycles can be experienced differently from one period to the next. Tradeoffs are in the nature of action, but interpretation and perception of their effects can change. People learn and adjust. They can also forget or think and even value differently.
To better grasp these subjective processes, Lachmann turned to Max Weber to understand that institutions are not merely external conditions, but internalized rules of behavior held in the minds of persons. Such rules form a part of the content of specific purposes, the effects of which cannot simply be grasped from the mere axiom of purposefulness itself. As such, human beings can and will act differently depending on how those rules are situated amidst all the other ends and means that comprise the belief structures of individuals.
It follows then that the visual presentation of the current crisis and its aftereffects could well turn out to look very much like MMT says it does, and if the MMT theorists have their way, the actual costs will never be seen, or at least seen only by a few. Owing the sum total of our properties to ourselves, they will tell us, we really owe nothing. Managed by our own government, they will assure us, we have actually no reason to complain. In fact, WE, so they will say, still “own” everything.
That is, of course, what socialists have always said and wanted to believe. It will have merely taken the form of a massive mortgage on the homeland to do it in America. That would in fact be the most devastating cost, but would anyone recognize it as such?
To know a cost, a people has to perceive it. That is the full implication of the meaning of subjectivism. If we are unsuccessful in articulating the very real economic consequences that will follow from such a massive loss of liberty, we will be politically and intellectually eviscerated.
Under sufficient conditions of crisis, a population could well be nudged to internalize most any narrative initially. Facts and figures will be collected, for sure, but there is no necessity that such measurements will be done in any particular way. Standards of data collection can change to suit.
And the perception of unemployment, need not be a problem at all as far as MMT theorists are concerned, if the form and kinds of employment can be managed and directed through government command and control. Such implements in the tool kits of these theorists will tempt our ruling elites who hunger after easy answers—answers that can be immediately understood and executed. MMT is calling out to them. It is pulling out all the stops to draw them in by the lure of endless debt financing.
Austrian economists, on the other hand, are especially well placed to call attention to the very real costs involved in such MMT policy prescriptions if they become more attuned to the variability and complexity that true subjectivism makes plain. But that will require them to surrender their claims to apodictic certainty and to stand down from overly bold predictions of the same old patterns of booms and busts.
And they best do so quickly.
Hans Eicholz is a historian and Liberty Fund Senior Fellow. He is the author of Harmonizing Sentiments: The Declaration of Independence and the Jeffersonian Idea of Self-Government (2001), and more recently a contributor to The Constitutionalism of American States (2008).
Ed Zimmer
Apr 18 2020 at 4:34pm
Since you lack the courage to post my criticism, I suppose you’ll also suppress this link to Michael Hudson’s “The Use and Abuse of MMT” -
Hans Eicholz
Apr 18 2020 at 11:01pm
Dear Mr Zimmer,
A good reference. I don’t know how posting of comments works here, but I am glad it went up. Thank you so much.
I rather think, however, that your earlier quote and this interesting article point to the emphasis on the tangible and the seen, the nominal and the readily measurable. So with that I still hold that much will be left unstated as to tradeoffs and the casino economy, as you call it, or Crony capitalism as I might prefer, will not be restrained so much as furthered.
If many in the popular press look now to MMT to expand public spending (and this was so long before the pandemic), it only goes to show a tendency to which the approach lends itself.
So rather than speak to all the many different policy proposals, I chose to focus more on the kinds of economic data they look to.
To my mind, Bill Mitchel’s post on a zero nominal rate of interest, which I cited, was very revealing in this respect. Have a look. He more than once referenced the older ideas of Marx, specifically the essays on surplus value and that is a very premarginalist understanding of costs indeed.
Many thanks for these additional references.
Ed Zimmer
Apr 19 2020 at 6:50pm
I adhere to the engineer’s creed” “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. The only macroeconomic variables being measured are the NIPA variables that constitute NGDP. They define the productive economy &, IMO, can & should be used to manage that economy
You apparently did see the critique here that was deleted (because the similar critique posted to Part 1 didn’t use the term “casino economy”, rather referred to it as the FIRE economy). The important point is that there are two economies – the productive economy, which can be measured & managed) & the FIRE/casino/Crony_capitalism economy which CANNOT be measured or managed. That the latter economy is a “political” economy (not an “economic” economy like the former) we appear to be in agreement.
But I don’t see that as an MMT problem. The problem has always existed (certainly since we went to a fiat currency, & arguably before). All MMT has done is shine a light on the problem. Bill Mitchell recognized the problem early on, arguing that transparency trumps keeping the reality hidden.
Yes, Federal spending into the FIRE economy can cause major problems (eg, uncontrolled asset inflation), but such spending into the productive economy can achieve major benefits for its citizens. So that’s the current challenge to economists – how to control Federal spending into the non-productive economy & more intelligently spend it into the productive economy (now that we understand the spending isn’t coming out of taxpayer pockets).
As an aside, in my post to your Part1, I gave a distillation of what I see as the essence of MMT based solely on reasoning. It conflicts with much of mainstream macroeconomics, eg, it implies that a healthy economy (ie, current GDP levels) could be maintained (economically) with zero business spending. I have been unable to find a flaw in that reasoning. Do you see any?
Tracy W
Apr 20 2020 at 1:11pm
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, numerous macroeconomic variables are being measured beyond nominal GDP.
What’s more, GDP doesn’t define the productive economy – GDP’s definition very explicitly excludes household production of services for own consumption (e.g. cleaning your own house, cooking your own meals), and not because authors think housework is unproductive but because of the purposes for which GDP is for. Are you going to argue that housework is also part of your casino economy?
Hans Eicholz
Apr 20 2020 at 5:11pm
Dear Mr Zimmer,
You are quite correct about the question of what constitutes an economy, or what is economics, being a very old problem. And Tracy’s response highlights what the measurables can’t quite reach–so much of what we do is not overtly detectable, but it does generate considerable value. And right here there is a problem for the creed of the engineer it seems to me, at least where an economy is concerned.
I understand though the desire to vest certain activities with a degree of solidity beyond what is in the mind. I take your point about Mitchel’s desire to shine a light on that sort of activity. He is seeking to make the measurables more visible in what you both refer to as the “productive economy.” Surely you are right then to highlight, from this perspective, the macroeconomic tools or devices that you do.
Macro has always inclined in just this way. When Mitchel cites Marx, I believe he does so precisely because he approves the idea that income is to sustain the worker who makes a measurable tangible contribution to that productive economy.
The importance between this questing after some objective markers contrasts with the subjectivist paradigm. Both set off from classical antecedents, but the idioms have become quite different and that difference hinges on the question of what constitutes wealth and value.
I think another post at some point revisiting this history would be fascinating. I hope you will contribute to that when the time comes. For now, you might look to my earlier post on defining the new normal, or perhaps more to the point is this post on subjectivity by Max Borders:
Many thanks for your contributions and to you too Tracy. You have both highlighted an important difference, and that is, shall we agree, productive!
Ed Zimmer
Apr 21 2020 at 3:33pm
Hans, Here’s another try at that post:
I read the Max Borders article you cited & went back & read your “new normal” & ‘Davies review” articles. As a (long-ago) entrepreneur, (hi-tech as well as retail & real estate) I’d believe I could contribute to your understanding of the “new normal” & as a historian, you could certainly contribute to my understanding of macroeconomics.
I’d like to do that under Part 2 of your “new normal” article. I did a test-post there to see if the system would still accept comments. It does. If you can see that post, let me know here & I’ll do an extensive post on that subject there.
Hans Eicholz
Apr 21 2020 at 4:16pm
Yes, I can see it. Cheers, H.
Ed Zimmer
Apr 20 2020 at 4:15pm
I assume you’re the same Tracy I just responded to in the comments to Part 1. (Sorry for the typo in adding the “e” to your name there.)
By the “numerous macroeconomic variables being measured”, I assume you’re referring to the Fed’s FOFA program. I have serious reservations about that activity (despite BEA’s involvement). I see a tendency there toward deriving income/expense values from asset/liability differences, which I consider dangerous. If that feeds back to affect NGDP, I fear we’ll have lost all sense of objective financial reality.
The reason that housework & other unpaid activities that one may think of as “productive” are not included in GDP is that they’re not measurable. To measure anything you need a unit-of-measure. For GDP, the unit-of-measure is the currency (in the US, the dollar). Since there’s no currency exchange in those activity, they’re unmeasurable. (If/when we come to some form of UBI, they may become measurable & become a part of GDP.)
Tracy W
Apr 20 2020 at 6:18pm
Ed, I have no idea about the Fed’s FOFA programme. Every OECD country in the world measure macroeconomic variables beyond nominal GDP. Has done for decades. Such measures include volume, or constant price GDP (previously known as real GDP), and national income (see for example Claiming that “the only macroeconomic variables being measured are the NIPA variables that constitute NGDP” is on the level of claiming that the London Underground is a political movement.
Your assertion about the reasoning behind the omission of household activity leaves out the two other reasons given in paragraph 6.29 of the System of National Accounts Manual 2008 (conveniently checkable at
And I note that you don’t even try to defend your claim that GDP defines the productive economy.
The OECD produces a nice book called Understanding National Accounts. It is free in the online form, and quite accessible, I suggest you start off by reading it and working through the exercises. It’s available at
Tracy W
Apr 20 2020 at 7:50pm
Earlier comment didn’t go through, maybe it was the links.
Firstly, I have no idea about the Fed’s FOFA programme. I’m not American. OECD countries have been measuring macroeconomic variables well beyond nominal GDP for decades now. Check out the OECD statistics table, the national accounts area specifically, if you want a source. Claiming that ” the only macroeconomic variables being measured are the NIPA variables that constitute NGDP” is on the same level as claiming that the London Underground is a political movement.
Secondly, your reason given as to why housework is outside GDP only covers one of the three reasons given by the OCED’s System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA08), the manual about producing national accounts (see paragraph 6.29), and the SNA08 says not that unpaid activities are not measurable, but that they’re “extremely difficult to estimate values … that can be meaningfully added”. This may sound pedantic on my part, but these details matter.
Your claim that “there’s no currency exchange for these activities therefore they’re un-measurable” is more straightforwardly wrong. The UK’s national statistics office, the ONS, has been publishing a household satellite account on an intermittent basis since 2002.
I note that you don’t even attempt to defend your earlier claim that GDP defines the productive economy.
The UN publishes a guide to the national accounts, which is freely available online, called Understanding National Accounts. It covers the definition of GDP, the production boundary, and macroeconomic variables other than the ones that go into GDP. It’s quite accessible, it’s explicitly aimed at a non-expert audience, and is very low on maths. I suggest reading it and doing the exercises at the end of each chapter, given your interest in macroeconomic statistics.
Tracy W
Apr 20 2020 at 7:50pm
Earlier comment didn’t go through, maybe it was the links.
Firstly, I have no idea about the Fed’s FOFA programme. I’m not American. OECD countries have been measuring macroeconomic variables well beyond nominal GDP for decades now. Check out the OECD statistics table, the national accounts area specifically, if you want a source. Claiming that ” the only macroeconomic variables being measured are the NIPA variables that constitute NGDP” is on the same level as claiming that the London Underground is a political movement.
Secondly, your reason given as to why housework is outside GDP only covers one of the three reasons given by the OCED’s System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA08), the manual about producing national accounts (see paragraph 6.29), and the SNA08 says not that unpaid activities are not measurable, but that they’re “extremely difficult to estimate values … that can be meaningfully added”. This may sound pedantic on my part, but these details matter.
Your claim that “there’s no currency exchange for these activities therefore they’re un-measurable” is more straightforwardly wrong. The UK’s national statistics office, the ONS, has been publishing a household satellite account on an intermittent basis since 2002.
I note that you don’t even attempt to defend your earlier claim that GDP defines the productive economy.
The UN publishes a guide to the national accounts, which is freely available online, called Understanding National Accounts. It covers the definition of GDP, the production boundary, and macroeconomic variables other than the ones that go into GDP. It’s quite accessible, it’s explicitly aimed at a non-expert audience, and is very low on maths. I suggest reading it and doing the exercises at the end of each chapter, given your interest in macroeconomic statistics.
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