September 2024 ISSUE

Cassandra and the Destruction of Savings

By Leonidas Zelmanovitz and Thomas Lanzi

... if we were able to adjust our accounting processes to the realities of taxpayers' obligations, the government deficit which enters into the savings of business and individuals would be offset by taxpayers' liabilities, the fiscal (revenue and expenditure) decision...

Joy in Economics… and Tolstoy?

By Richard Gunderman

Frontispiece, Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy. This article was inspired by a recent Virtual Reading Group on Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, led by Richard Gunderman. Learn more about our Virtual Reading Groups at the Online Library of Liberty. To what field o...

The Price Is Right: Setting the Record Straight on Price Controls and Inflation

By James Broughel

Book Review of The War on Prices: How Popular Misconceptions about Inflation, Prices, and Value Create Bad Policy. Ryan A. Bourne, Ed.1 Price controls have grown increasingly common across large sectors of the economy such as finance and healthcare, espec...

The Cooperative Ape

By Arnold Kling

Unlike chimpanzees, which acquire the vast majority of their daily calorie intake from easy-to-find foods such as fruit and leaves, early humans occupied a more complex foraging niche, relying on foods they had to either extract (e.g., buried tubers, or nuts i...

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