In her fantastic book, The World in a Model, Mary Morgan provides an intellectual history of how economists have evolved in their construction of models as a device to think about how markets work. As she states, narratives about markets “are built into the identity of the model from the start” (Morgan 2012, 362, emphasis in original). This is an extremely important observation, which is relevant for the point I want to make here. Economic theory is not a public policy conclusion. Rather, it is a way of thinking, from which public policy conclusions emerge as a by-product of the narrative constructed about how markets work.
The narrative that is usually told about markets, not only in the popular press and social media, but also in modern economics textbooks, is that markets are “imperfect.” I do not wish to dispute that claim here. Rather, what I wish to address is how this narrative is constructed, based on the models we utilize in economics, and the public policy conclusions that emerge from this constructed narrative.
In modern neoclassical economics, the benchmark of analysis from which real-world markets are judged is the model of perfect competition, in which a homogenous good is bought and sold by a large group of buyers and sellers, respectively, none of whom have an influence on the price. Moreover, under such conditions, there exists free entry and exit of sellers in the marketplace, defined by perfect information.
The narrative that is constructed and logically follows from this model is that observed deviations from perfect competition in the marketplace are indicative of imperfections, also known as “market failures,” associated with the existence of monopoly power, pervasive externalities, the provision of public goods, and macroeconomic instability. According to this narrative, government intervention is the deus ex machina that saves the market from its own “imperfections” through regulations, taxes, subsides, and other public policy measures. Why? To use a quote from Frank Knight often used by James Buchanan, “to call a situation hopeless is to call it ideal.” The narrative that is constructed is one in which, outside the conditions of the ideal of perfect competition, there is no hope but for government intervention to save the market from itself. Anyone who has taken an economics course is well aware of what I’ve stated thus far, and therefore this should not be surprising.
But what is the implicit meaning of the word “imperfect” that is baked into the narrative, which is constructed into the model of perfect competition? What is implied when we postulate that markets are “imperfect” in comparison to the benchmark of perfect competition is that markets are flawed, non-ideal, or otherwise sub-optimal, and therefore in need of correction through government intervention. Who could dispute the logic of this narrative?
However, if we simply reinterpret our understanding of the word “imperfect,” not only will it reframe the narrative being told about the marketplace, but also the public policy implications that flow from this narrative. If we analyze the etymology of the word imperfect, breaking it down from its Latin origins, you will learn that “im” expresses the negation, “per” comes from the Latin word meaning “thoroughly” and “fect” comes from the Latin verb “facere,” meaning “to do”. Thus, rather than saying that something, or some state of affairs, is flawed, suboptimal, or non-ideal, another way to interpret the meaning of “imperfect” is an act or process that is not thoroughly done, or incomplete. In fact, from a quick perusal of the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, you will find a similar definition of the word imperfect: “constituting a verb tense used to designate a continuing state or an incomplete action” (emphasis added).
Rather than regarding the market as a flawed or sub-optimal state of affairs, a better understanding of an “imperfect market” reveals that the market is a process of continuous tendency towards perfection, or completion, where are all the gains from trade are exhausted and all plans between buyers and sellers are perfectly coordinated. As Ludwig von Mises states in his magnum opus, Human Action, the “market process is the adjustment of the individual actions of the various members of the market society to the requirements of mutual cooperation” (1949 [2007]: 258).
Thus, markets will always be imperfect, but that is precisely why markets exist in the first place! Markets never conform to the “ideal” of perfect competition, but this is completely irrelevant, since under such state of affairs, markets are unnecessary and redundant, since all resources are already perfectly allocated to their most valued uses. Market processes exist precisely because to generate the information necessary to better coordinate the plans and purposes of individuals in a peaceful and productive manner. The entrepreneurial lure for profit and the discipline of loss is what guides such imperfect processes in a tendency towards the creation of more complete information between buyers and sellers.
The narrative I wish to highlight here does not deny that “market failures” associated with monopoly power, externalities, public goods, and macroeconomic instability do not exist. But taking the inverse of the quote by Knight expressed above, a market that is non-ideal, or “imperfect” as I’ve defined the word here, is one that builds hope into its narrative! The source of that hope, or the “hero” of this narrative, is the entrepreneur, precisely because, under the proper institutional conditions of private property and freedom of contract under the rule of law, the very existence of market failures represent the very frictions that set the market process in motion, and sows the seeds for their own destruction. The omnipresence of “market failures” today present continuous profit opportunities for entrepreneurs to correct such imperfections through adjustments of price, quality, and institutions, which dissipate monopoly profits, internalize externalities, exclude non-payers from free-riding on public goods, and better coordinate borrowers and savers through time.
Thus, from this standpoint, the question of public policy is not whether or not a deus ex machina of government intervention must save imperfect markets from failure, in comparison to a perfect standard. Rather, the question becomes whether public policy has set the market process up for failure, specifically by undermining the process by which markets become more complete, or “perfect.” After all, this is why markets are imperfect and will always be imperfect. Markets embody continuous processes of learning from our mistakes and incentivize corrections of those mistakes through entrepreneurial adaptation, adjustment, and discovery.
Rosolino Candela is a Senior Fellow in the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, and Associate Director of Academic and Student Programs at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Mises, Ludwig von. 1949 [2007]. Human Action: A Treatise of Economics. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
Morgan, Mary S. 2012. The World in a Model: How Economists Work and Think. New York: Cambridge University Press.
May 18 2020 at 4:19pm
“Economic theory is not a public policy conclusion. Rather, it is a way of thinking, from which public policy conclusions emerge as a by-product of the narrative constructed about how markets work.”
“Markets never conform to the “ideal” of perfect competition, but this is completely irrelevant, since under such state of affairs, markets are unnecessary and redundant, since all resources are already perfectly allocated to their most valued uses.”
Great quotes. Great article. You taught me something. Thank you.
May 19 2020 at 7:42am
While I wholeheartedly agree, I think this essay would benefit from a more thorough justification of the claim that markets are a process of ever-improving resource allocation. As it stands, unfamiliar readers might mistake your etymological investigation of “imperfect” as the justification for your thesis. They would not be persuaded by that, which would be a shame because this is an important point which needs constant repetition.
Phil H
May 19 2020 at 10:37am
There seems to be an interesting idea in here. I think it goes a bit astray, but I wonder if I can tease it out.
I would think of it as two separate levels of action/processes. The first level is what happens within markets. This is a constant process of adjustment and change.
(“Markets never conform to the “ideal” of perfect competition, but this is completely irrelevant, since under such state of affairs, markets are unnecessary and redundant, since all resources are already perfectly allocated to their most valued uses.” – I think this sentence is wrong: A perfect market is still an ongoing process.)
The second level is the level of change in the fabric/organisation of the market itself. These changes may be prompted either by external forces (e.g. regulation) or by internal changes within the market (which changes all the time, because a market is a process). How these two interact seems to be precisely the most interesting question.
Thomas Hutcheson
May 19 2020 at 11:56am
All this seem pretty obvious. It does not show how this can improve public policy making. Yes, it is possible that there is are entrepreneurial solution to ACC; one has to be an extreme technological pessimist the think there are not. Is it not the role of policy to make it more likely for an entrepreneur to discover how to make money from reducing the harm caused by net CO2 emissions?
Jon Murphy
May 19 2020 at 2:45pm
Is it obvious, though? Your final sentence ignores the very point you say is obvious
Robert Schadler
May 19 2020 at 5:50pm
A couple of quick comments:
Markets are “perfect” when they are “imperfect,” That is, a market between two people are “perfect” when their separate, subjective desires for an exchange occurs to the satisfaction of both parties. It is not necessary that both parties are equally satisfied. One may have more information, more money, be in a state of personal panic, desperately want to own what the other person has, etc.
A “market” is both the micro market for each exchange between parties and the overall macro market that facilitates countless exchanges (such as the NYSE). As a human institution, such a market will never be perfect (nothing human ever is) but it can be very, very good (again, the NYSE) or quite klunky (say, a market for antiques in a rural village).
Finally, an exchange is a moment in time. The price for a share of Amazon is constantly changing. The quicker the change in price the better the reflection of that moment. The price shown is inherently “imperfect” since it shows the past — the price of an earlier trade — rather than the price of the next trade. The price of the next trade is unknowable until it happens, at which point it is already “imperfect” in the sense of “being out of date.” That imperfection may be a milli-second (as in the price of Amazon stock) or a matter of centuries (the price of a great work of art that is sold rarely, e.g. Mona Lisa). Even if I want to know what the Mona Lisa is worth today or if I want to buy it and it’s now for sale, does not mean the “market” is imperfect.
Finally, a market depends on conditions and situations. A market as in an auction is only as good as the auctioneer and the participants. If no one bids, is the auction perfect or imperfect? There are countless non-exchanges that occur every second. Is that a good thing or a bad thing or simply the way things are? If there is only one bidder? If there are ten thousand bidders? Is one more perfect or imperfect? A fixed price market (as in most grocery stores) would one say the market is imperfect — if a good is NOT on offer at all? or if the shelf where the good is normally available but temporarily sold out?
Jun 12 2020 at 9:52am
“The Dialectic Market”- we shall call it then – that might lure neo-marxists, aka “non-economist-social-science-academics”, into appreciating what markets are and what they do. These-Antithese-Synthese in the gestalt of Supply-Demand-Price. What not to love for an Hegelian!
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