Taleb responds to my extra questions in this Youtube video! Enjoy!
Taleb responds to my extra questions in this Youtube video! Enjoy!
May 1 2018
The great monopolies of that period -- Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the sugar trust, the financial and railroad interests -- used their power to corrupt the economy and politics. Market power both reduces growth and increases inequality. Recognizing this, leaders put into place antitrust and worker protection laws. This...
May 1 2018
by Pierre Lemieux We can suspect that the political problem will be solved with more horse-trading and continuing purchases of electoral support. But does politics solve or create the issue? "Trump Faces Pressure to Choose Sides in Fight Between Corn Growers and Oil Refiners," ran a title in the Wall Street Journ...
May 1 2018
Taleb responds to my extra questions in this Youtube video! Enjoy!
Keith K.
May 2 2018 at 7:41am
I’m confused. There does not appear to be any link to the original conversation. you’ve linked to these extra questions but not the original interview that was mentioned in the previous post. Is that interview available?
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