David Glasner has an excellent post on the relationship between inflation and unemployment. At one point he links to Paul Krugman, who makes the following comment:
Even if you think that inflation is fundamentally a monetary phenomenon (which you shouldn’t, as I’ll explain in a minute), wage- and price-setters don’t care about money demand; they care about their own ability or lack thereof to charge more, which has to – has to – involve the amount of slack in the economy. As Karl Smith pointed out a decade ago, the doctrine of immaculate inflation, in which money translates directly into inflation – a doctrine that was invoked to predict inflationary consequences from Fed easing despite a depressed economy – makes no sense.
David has lots of interesting things to say about Krugman’s argument, but I’d like to make a few additional observations.
1. Inflation does not require an elimination of “slack”. Here Krugman is confusing microeconomics with macroeconomics. Microeconomics is about relative prices, which are determined by conditions in individual markets. Macro is about nominal prices, which are determined by the supply and demand for base money. Let’s take FDR’s policy of devaluing the dollar, which occurred during 1933-34, a time of 25% unemployment. I’d call that “slack”, wouldn’t you? As you can see, the policy led to a high rate of inflation:
This policy increased the expected future rate of inflation, which reduced the current demand for base money. The very high unemployment did not prevent inflation from rising sharply, because inflation is a monetary phenomenon.
Back to Krugman:
And to get back to my broader point: economics is about what people do, and stories about macrobehavior should always include an explanation of the micromotives that make people change what they do. This isn’t the same thing as saying that we must have “microfoundations” in the sense that everyone is maximizing; often people don’t, and a lot of sensible economics involves just accepting some limits to maximization. But incentives and motives are still key.
You don’t need microfoundations such as overheating product/labor markets to get inflation; you simply need to reduce the value of the medium of account. Suppose Mexico replaces 1000 old pesos with one new peso, in a currency reform. What motivates Mexican businesses to cut all prices by 99.9%? Is it “slack” in the economy? Obviously not. It’s enough to assume that Mexicans are rational, and know that the currency reform will reduce prices by 99.9% in the long run. Similarly, back in 1933, Americans understood the implications of dollar devaluation.
At the same time, Krugman is right that inflation and unemployment are often negatively correlated in the short run. David points out, however, that Krugman is confusing a correlation with a causal relationship. Consider the following hypothesis:
1. Inflation is always and everywhere caused by monetary (supply and demand) factors.
2. Changes in inflation are often negatively correlated with unemployment, due to sticky wages.
These two hypotheses are consistent with the Phillips Curve holding during some periods (such as 1932, 1969, 1982 and 2009, and not holding during other periods (1933-34, 1974, 1980-81, 1998-2000, etc.) But these two hypotheses do not imply that unemployment has any causal impact on inflation.
If we assume that monetary factors are the underlying cause of inflation, and the Phillips Curve relationship is contingent on a set of special factors, then we can explain the history of American inflation. If we assume that unemployment (i.e. “slack”) is the causal factor that determines the rate of inflation, then we are left with all sorts of puzzles.
Back to Krugman:
Consider, for example, the case of Spain. Inflation in Spain is definitely not driven by monetary factors, since Spain hasn’t even had its own money since it joined the euro. Nonetheless, there have been big moves in both Spanish inflation and Spanish unemployment:
The fact that Spain lacks its own money has no bearing on whether Spanish inflation is caused by monetary factors. The typical state in American (let’s say Indiana), did not have its own money in 1966-81, but nonetheless suffered from high inflation due mostly to “monetary factors” (i.e., excessively expansionary Fed policy.) That’s not to say that real factors don’t also matter—presumably they explain why Spain’s inflation rate might differ from a neighboring Eurozone member—but that doesn’t mean that both Spanish and Eurozone inflation are not largely monetary.
I would never deny that slack might have played some role in the inflation process of 1933-34. Thus the same policy of dollar depreciation might have produced even higher rates of inflation had the unemployment rate been 3%, rather than 25%. But you can certainly get plenty of inflation in a depressed economy, as we saw in 1933-34.
PS. We lack good data on inflation from the 1930s, which is why I use the WPI. Broader indices have been estimated, and they show lower rates of inflation. But even so, the inflation rate by any measure was far higher than predicted by Phillips Curve models.
Apr 1 2018 at 4:44pm
Surely Krugman knows the points you have made here, so I wonder why he still believes what he believes? And believes it enough that he snarkily writes, “Really, really?” Yet, even the graph for Spain he uses doesn’t really support his point. What I see is that Unemployment at 12% falling to 8% led to no Change in the inflation rate (it stayed at 4% for several years), yet a recent drop in unemployment to 16% has led to a rising inflation rate (from 0% to 1%). He surely knows, “too low” unemployment is supposed to lead to Rising inflation, not High inflation per se.
Benoit Essiambre
Apr 1 2018 at 8:24pm
I don’t know. I keep being uneasy about this. Even if at its deepest root, inflation is a monetary phenomenon, it seems to me that you need some kind of intermediate causal step to allow the information about quantity growth to spread before you get proper price adjustments. I’m not sure the hot potato effect is the most powerful or fastest way for this to happen, particularly because it might not be sufficiently forward looking.
Actors have to know how much growth is about to happen in the money supply in order to adjust prices and that information is made palpable through things like labor slack and interest rate signals.
Marcus Nunes
Apr 1 2018 at 9:32pm
PK´s Spain example is unfortunate, actually showing no relation between inflation & unemployment. Now, if he only had compared Spain´s and US NGDP and unemployment he would be surprised!
Scott Sumner
Apr 1 2018 at 11:08pm
Marcus, Yes, and in that case the causal relationship goes from NGDP to unemployment.
David Glasner
Apr 1 2018 at 11:58pm
Scott, Nice post, with which I agree entirely of course. Thanks for noticing mine. I was actually thinking of mentioning the classic 1933 FDR episode, but my post was already running long, so I am glad that you chimed in to make that important point.
Apr 3 2018 at 5:24am
I am not quite sure why a change in denomination would be relevant in this discussion. Redenomination is not a normal monetary process. We wouldn’t call it inflation. All contracts get redenominated as well. It seems an entirely irrelevant example to me.
I fail to see how defining inflation as a monetary process helps us in any way to be honest. We still don’t really understand the process that causes changes in demand for money and what kind of supply is the most important (as future supply seems much more important for money than for other goods). Just giving such processes names doesn’t really allow us to understand how to control them. And even if it did, it’s not controlling inflation we really care about, we mostly care about controlling the economic cycle…
I read Krugman’s point as simply observing that the current supply of money is not enough to determine the price level equilibrium (and so inflation). Simply issuing more money, without some credible promise that the supply is permanent is not certain to lead to inflation.
Apr 3 2018 at 6:57am
A corollary to Friedman’s statement: Krugman is always and everywhere fun to disprove.
Greg Jaxon
Apr 4 2018 at 2:01pm
Evidenced by a chart showing nominal prices try to hold ground as measured in constant gold, but arguably fail (i.e. they effect only a 34% increase, if I’m reading this index correctly). Nominal ANYTHING is a monetary phenomenon. Your point about “supply” and “demand” of a sharply redefined and suddenly over-regulated base money does not enlighten us as to how or why prices of commodity goods actually deflate on the world stage yet inflate in-country? Perhaps you need to review common sense perceptions of Reality, and abandon this vague idea that there was a well-governed “supply” of money somehow causing all this statist, socialist-revolution havoc.
Matthew Waters
Apr 4 2018 at 2:48pm
In the real world, pricing *never* directly involves the monetary base. Or at least in the normal course of events, with stable, first-world currencies.
A jolt like the peso or 1933 dollar revaluation are exceptions. Even a 1000:1 peso revaluation feels like changing the “Money Illusion” by a factor of 1000.
The government set a psychological anchor of 1000 old pesos being worth 1 new peso. One could have a very existential view of 1 new peso being “worth” 1000 old pesos. What does “worth” mean exactly? What is money even?
A hyper-rational Homo Economicus view is that uneducated Mexicans have expectations that the government will defend the value of the new peso (by taxes, bonds, etc.) The value will be defended to the extent that new pesos are worth 1000x old pesos. But that view just seems farcical on its face.
I find the Money Illusion psychological anchor view much more reasonable. Even though both the old and new pesos have bad inflation, a rural uneducated Mexican can see that prices in old pesos shouldn’t increase 1000x overnight. With the psychological anchor of 1 new peso to 1000 old pesos, then they will expect the first new peso prices to be 99.9% lower.
Finally, even FDR’s revaluation shows the Money Illusion at work. A $20.67 to $35 revaluation should have been ~75% inflation of all goods. And that inflation should have happened overnight, with perfect expectations and information. That is not what happened.
The microfoundations should not be overemphasized. A sufficiently dedicated government can always get inflation/NGDP where it wants it. But expectations/monetary base analysis can be completely out of touch with the real world.
Scott Sumner
Apr 4 2018 at 6:05pm
Greg, You said:
“Nominal ANYTHING is a monetary phenomenon.”
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