At a Liberty Fund conference I just finished up in Miami, in our book of readings was the following quote:
The best rulers are always those to whom great power is interested . . . . It is, therefore, manifestly a radical defect in our federal system that it parcels out power and confuses responsibility as it does. The main purpose of the Convention of 1787 seems to have been to accomplish this grievous mistake.
The quote is from Woodrow Wilson’s book, Congressional Government, 1885. In his book, The Cult of the Presidency: America’s Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power, Gene Healy leads off one of his chapters with it.
Wilson must have had an interesting public choice theory. I’m guessing he was not a big fan of Lord Acton.
In a later Wilson reading, from a lecture published in 1908, Wilson wrote:
Our President must always, henceforth, be one of the great powers of the world.
It’s interesting that he thinks of the President of the United States, not the United States, as the great power.
Nov 4 2012 at 12:47am
Be fair. In 1908 Austria-Hungrary was an major power that existed unified only in personal monarchic union. Likewise the German Empire was still forged out of Prussia and a horde of smaller states by rallying around the single institution of the Emperor, and Edward VII was Emperor of India alongside being King of the the United Kingdom (and Canada, and Australia, and South Africa, and…).
By the 1900s you couldn’t really say that these empires were monolithic nation-state entities, yet clearly their power emerged from their joint loyalties to increasingly constitutionalized figurehead institutions.
Do recall that the United States of 1908 was busy colonizing The Philippines. The Governor General of the Phillipines was appointed by… yes, the President of the United States, without any review from Congress, as per the President’s prerogative over foreign affairs, in the same way the Emperor of Germany spoke for all of Germany, and thus credibly invoked its combined military strength. All this stuff makes sense a century ago.
Ed Hanson
Nov 4 2012 at 12:53am
Word check. In the Wilson quote, unles it is a different quote than usual, the word should be ‘intrusted’ not interested.
Nov 4 2012 at 1:05am
The Spanish War would be the one where the US wrested the Philippine archipelago from Spain and ruled it until the Japanese took it, and the ‘thirties and forties’ are the 1830s, not the 1930s.
And he was right there – for the entire 20th century the US was intervening in world affairs. We speak of the President of the United States as the most powerful person in the world today precisely because he gets to speak for the foreign relations of the United States and all its pointy spears.
John Fembup
Nov 4 2012 at 1:18am
My grandfather was a judge in Missouri around the turn of the 20th century. He was a dentist, a university professor of dentistry, and to me always seemed the perfect professional.
As a child I recall vividly that he struggled to keep his composure whenever a conversation turned to Woodrow Wilson. I noticed, but did not understand.
The first citation above seems to me similar to some remarks Obama made in 2001 when he was an Illinois State Senator: that “generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf. The similarity being of course that both presidents believed the Constitution is deeply flawed – with the implication that it ought to be deeply changed and that they were just the men to do it.
Reflecting on this similarity, I am thankful to President Obama for helping me better understand my grandfather’s feelings about Woodrow Wilson after lo! these 100 years.
Nov 4 2012 at 6:49am
I agree that Wilson couldn’t have placed much weight on Lord Acton’s observation. Otherwise, Wilson would have seen that the worst “rulers are always those to whom great power is entrusted.”
History is littered with great power, bad rulers and the terrible consequences for the ruled and their liberty. The Founders were more than justified in trying to prevent great, centralized power. Too bad Wilson didn’t see this. We suffer his statist bureaucratic legacy more and more with each passing year.
Patrick R. Sullivan
Nov 4 2012 at 10:56am
Doesn’t sound like Wilson had much use for James Madison either;
Nov 4 2012 at 11:26am
I think Wilson’s actions speak for themselves, and this quote is consistent with them. Unlike @david (not the Prof) I don’t even cut Wilson the slack of “context”. The founding fathers had nothing but monarchical empires they could have been contextually forced to emulate — and they rejected this path.
Patrick R. Sullivan
Nov 4 2012 at 12:10pm
Charles Moore in the Telegraph is here to further assist. He thinks that Obama, the Ivy League ironist, lacks what Romney has, that which
Nov 4 2012 at 12:14pm
The founding fathers cheerfully murdered the Whiskey Rebellion when it revolted against their own taxation, carried under then-dubious constitutional authority. So…
Nov 4 2012 at 12:38pm
My grandfather was in Wilson’s sub-cabinet and loathed him.
We should always remember what Clemenceau said of Wilson: “Even God needed only 10 commandments.”
Nov 4 2012 at 1:02pm
MG: +1
david: Slavery also “made sense” in its time, and yet was not inevitable, nor was everyone agreed that it was a good idea. The argument against it was understood just as well two centuries ago as today. Excusing the past through an appeal to consensus – or even worse, an appeal to historical fact – is unfair to those who were right at the time.
Colonialism and the concentration of power were both understood as antagonistic to the colonies under Britain, and the rejection of them was an active and powerful force in politics in 19th century. Wilson was not simply embracing the European model, he was rejecting the American one — and he knew it. The Progressives popularized everything that led to the first world war (and many of the things that led to the second), and their ideas were marginal even at the time; Wilson only took office because Taft and Teddy split the vote. In no way was he simply following the crowd.
FDR was a product of the Wilson administration, as was Hoover. Both modern parties derive from the Progressive movement. To dismiss its figurehead as some sort of antebellum figure, morally and intellectually unaccountable, is to gloss over a defining moment in political history – the struggle between classical and modern liberalism – and to deprive us of an argument that needs to be understood, if not completely reexamined.
John Cunningham
Nov 4 2012 at 8:40pm
Powerline on Nov. 4 had a great post, on Mencken’s views of politicians. Mencken on Wilson–
[Wilson] was simply a pedagogue thrown up to 1000 diameters by a magic lantern, and he never got over the shabby opportunism of the campus. If his campaign in 1916 was honest and honorable, then honesty and honor are words quite without meaning.
Nov 4 2012 at 11:17pm
The American ideal circa 1908 was to invade and occupy the Philippines under a guise of liberation from the Spanish tyranny, and then promptly occupying it and slaughtering independence movements themselves. So Wilson was entirely a product of his era, if you will.
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