The resource page for the Balan-Caplan Debate is now up, including our opening statements, my Powerpoint slides, and complete video. Enjoy.
The resource page for the Balan-Caplan Debate is now up, including our opening statements, my Powerpoint slides, and complete video. Enjoy.
Apr 5 2010
The (subsidized) fix is in. There are over 400,000 NCAA student athletes. And just about all of us will be going pro in something other than sports. While the NCAA, with the above as its advertising line for the last few years, seems to think that this line makes the organization look good, it does the opposite for t...
Apr 5 2010
Recently, I wrote about market socialism. Why don't individual firms use market socialism? That is, instead of managing through command and control, senior management could set shadow prices for various inputs and outputs, and then allow the managers of individual departments to maximize profits based on those price...
Apr 5 2010
The resource page for the Balan-Caplan Debate is now up, including our opening statements, my Powerpoint slides, and complete video. Enjoy.
Sam Wilson
Apr 5 2010 at 4:43pm
I’m a bit torn on the video. The Q&A portion isn’t included and on the one hand, there were a couple of really good questions asked (particularly Dave Hedengren’s). On the other hand however, there were at least two comments or questions (I can’t really be sure which was which) that were rambling, incoherent, or downright insulting.
Good debate though, and H/T to Robin Hanson for calling on me for a minor contribution.
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