Question for David Bryan Caplan By Bryan Caplan, Feb 17 2010 SHARE POST: Don’t higher age cut-offs cause most or all of the problems associated with means-testing? Why are you for the former, yet ambivalent on the latter?
Feb 18 2010 Behavioral Economics Recommended Arnold Kling These are posts that I recommend, without providing excerpts. Robin Hanson offers an illustration of the theory that prestige-status is less threatening to people than dominance-status. So do people perceive the wealth of Bill Gates as conferring prestige-status (not so threatening) or dominance-status (very threaten... 3 Read More
Feb 17 2010 Fiscal Policy The Commission, the Deficit, and the VAT Arnold Kling Greg Mankiw writes, let's suppose that you are a conservative and you want the fiscal commission to succeed. You will have to agree to higher taxes as part of the bargain. But what should you aim to get in return? He would ask for an increase in the age of eligibility for both Social Security and Medicare. He woul... 16 Read More
Feb 17 2010 Microeconomics Question for David Bryan Caplan Don't higher age cut-offs cause most or all of the problems associated with means-testing? Why are you for the former, yet ambivalent on the latter? 5 Read More