Tom Keene interviews me. He likes the fact that Unchecked and Unbalanced is short–only 116 pages.
Tom Keene interviews me. He likes the fact that Unchecked and Unbalanced is short–only 116 pages.
Dec 21 2009
A commenter points to an essay by Rob Arnott. The lion's share of the debt reduction may well be accomplished through reflation. We can eliminate half of our debt in 15 years if our inflation runs 5% higher than our trading partners, and if our real GDP growth keeps pace despite the inflation. Thus, if our partners ar...
Dec 21 2009
When governments impose sanctions on people in another country, the main goal of the officials who favor the policy is to harm the person or people in charge of that country's government so that they will change their policies. That's the goal. What they do to achieve it is intentionally harm many innocent people in th...
Dec 21 2009
Tom Keene interviews me. He likes the fact that Unchecked and Unbalanced is short--only 116 pages.
John Alcorn
Dec 21 2009 at 9:09am
A+ for agility! You covered a lot of ground effectively. I hope that in future interviews you can get a word in edgewise about structural reforms that might better align knowledge and power. (You did mention consumer sovereignty plus insurance against catastrophic events in health care – I have in mind institutional reforms in the structure of government.)
Dec 21 2009 at 12:19pm
I dislike the fact it’s not available for Kindle.
Dec 21 2009 at 4:34pm
The Bloomberg podcasts hosted by Tom Keene and Ken Prewitt are regularly in my queue, so I was delighted to see your name come up as one of the guests. You did a marvelous job. Echoing the first commentor, I was very impressed with your ability to succinctly cover so many things in such a short period of time. Well done!
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