More often when you strip away adherence to theology you do not get atheism, you get animism.
Ponder his whole post.
More often when you strip away adherence to theology you do not get atheism, you get animism.
Ponder his whole post.
Dec 26 2009
Joseph Lawler writes, The beauty of the structural change theory of jobless recoveries is that it is testable. If hiring is determined by shifts in what the economy produces, then the data will show that permanent layoffs outnumber temporary layoffs -- that is, workers aren't returning to their old companies. Also, t...
Dec 26 2009
Krugman Confuses an Accounting Identity With Causation In a post titled, "Things Free Trade Doesn't Do," Krugman wrote: There are a lot of good things you can say about international trade. But it does not, repeat not, do anything to alleviate a shortage of overall demand. Yes, if you liberalize trade countries will ...
Dec 26 2009
from Razib: More often when you strip away adherence to theology you do not get atheism, you get animism. Ponder his whole post.
Joe Cushing
Dec 26 2009 at 8:39am
I’ll take anything that reduces one group’s power to control my life.
Dec 26 2009 at 11:57am
“It seems to me that the religious instinct is indeed growing vigorously — but that it rejects any specifically theistic gratification with profound distrust.”
Nietzsche, 1885
Dec 26 2009 at 2:33pm
Actually, it may the other way around: the original and default, if you like, form of religion is a solitary sky god, not a plural animistic religion. In Discovering God, Rodney Stark argues that a pluralistic religion in which every god has his own temple and priest is a later form of religion, in which the priests become the rentiers of the religio-political complex. It’s monotheism which is the more original form of religion.
Dec 26 2009 at 5:49pm
Apparently Douthat misses the good old days when Jews could skip living in places like La Jolla because all those theologically aligned Christian real-estate agents ensured they couldn’t buy a house.
Another good example of them good old days is Iran’s theocracy. No thanks. I’ll take a new age flake–as much as I find them annoying–any old day.
Dec 26 2009 at 8:52pm
just a minor note, to back up my assertion i linked to a chart showing various religious attitudes in europe. the data from the USA seems a bit fuzzier, but institutional religion is much stronger than in europe.
Dec 29 2009 at 4:28pm
Joe Cushing writes:
“I’ll take anything that reduces one group’s power to control my life.”
Agreed, but I think you will find that the substitution of not very rigorously enforced Christianity with its rigorously enforced animist replacement (i.e., environmentalism) will not be an improvement from the perspective of having others tell one what to do.
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