EconLog, edited by Arnold Kling and Bryan Caplan, is an economics-oriented weblog or “blog” associated with the Library of Economics and Liberty (Econlib). EconLog provides up-to-date commentary and links on recent topical matters in economics, with new articles posted three to six times each week. Reader comments are welcomed.
EconLog and Econlib provide helpful resources for all levels: students, teachers, librarians, professors; in high schools, colleges, graduate and Ph.D. programs. Readership is throughout the world, and also includes access from the radio, online news sources, newspapers and magazines, professional journals, and other media.
EconLog has been recognized twice by Forbes as the top-ranking economics blog.
Quick links:
1. The EconLog FAQ/Help page, with explanations ranging from how to use the various Econlib and EconLog Search tools, to posting comments, to arcane matters such as how to use the EconLog RSS feed, rdf, xml, and Trackback features.
2. The ability to search entries and comments. Advanced search options and instructions are provided. Recent material and the archives can be searched, as well as the full Econlib website and the books.
3. A browsable EconLog Archive, listing articles by Category, Date, and Author. Arnold Kling’s Great Questions of Economics (GQE), predecessor to EconLog, is included.
The Archive also includes a list of the most recent comments.
4. The Library of Economics and Liberty, or Econlib, which houses EconLog, also offers
EconTalk, audio podcasts hosted by Russ Roberts,
Economics-related articles by respected writers from Don Cox to Anthony de Jasay to David Levy to Ibsen Martinez,
Over 100 complete online books and reprinted essays, from classics by Smith, Ricardo, Bentham, Mill, Burke, and Mises, to the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (CEE), to Nobel Prize-winners like James M. Buchanan.
For more information, see About Econlib
Econlib and EconLog are provided by Liberty Fund, Inc.
5. You can contact the EconLog/Econlib editors about administrative matters, ask questions, send feedback, fix typos, or make new suggestions by sending an email to the Econlib webmaster.
You can also comment or send feedback on Econlib or EconLog below. We welcome your questions, suggestions, and ideas!
N. V.
Jun 13 2005 at 8:08am
It [Econlib]’s great on content! Simple UI makes it even more appealing and easy to use. Thanks!
U. F.
Jun 13 2005 at 8:10am
its really cool. i’m hoping to see some new books in it.
I. E., Tbilisi, Georgia
Jun 13 2005 at 8:12am
The website is very useful for economists, future economists… I like this website, because a person can find many interesting information about economic.
student, Gadjah Mada U., Yogyakarta,Indonesia
Jun 13 2005 at 8:13am
full of useful resources about economics,dynamic topics, and new insights.
J. R., England
Jun 13 2005 at 8:15am
I noticed the iconograph in the End papers of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations at my University Library. Subsequently searched the internet via Google and came across this, useful and informative, brilliant site. Thank you!
L. C., Singapore
Jun 13 2005 at 8:16am
i hope that i can find more free material for the usage of my study,cos i am still a student of few money.thanks for your good job.
B. E., Ebonyi State U., Nigeria
Jun 13 2005 at 8:18am
I was over wamed when I sow this web,for all I can say I love the web
E. E., U. of Cape Coast, Ghana
Jun 13 2005 at 8:19am
I strongly believe this site is the every occupant of the planet should get in touch with to know a what is really going on in our recent economic and political world.
R. T.
Jun 13 2005 at 8:23am
seems extremely interesting at first read, will surely be a resource of immense importance for my economics degree. A suggestion may be for a comments page (there may be one) and a section for inexperienced writers like myself to contribute??
[The Econlib Ed. adds: Thanks to your request, R. T., and the requests of others, there’s now a public comment page here! Contributions on all topics by writers inexperienced and experienced alike are always welcome on EconLog.]
H. B. K., student
Jun 13 2005 at 8:24am
i search this website and find lots of important things from this and as a my point of view it’s manna from heaven for the economic students.each and every economic student should access this.
student, Tribhuvan University, kathmandu, Nepal
Jun 13 2005 at 8:31am
it is simply superb website, especially the contents and the presentation
L. B., Morroco
Jun 13 2005 at 8:32am
It seems as if the searching features of this vauable site could be made more accurate to meet some searchers desire about details such technical or mathematical details.Thanks
G. R.
Jun 13 2005 at 9:42am
Site mentioned in an article in The Journal of Economic Education.
T. E.
Jun 13 2005 at 9:45am
Website was mentioned in an article by Clive Crook, in the National Journal, listed in
L. X., student, Chongqing, China
Jun 13 2005 at 10:46am
I think it should have more information about financial
Heard about you on the radio.
James, U.S.
Jun 13 2005 at 10:49am
My interest in Political Economy keeps me reading books and articles on economics. I recieve email from the Mises Institute and others daily.
Jul 13 2005 at 2:50am
I find this page very helpful.Indeed, It opens up new horizon for me with a lot of precious information that not always can I have found.Furthermore,it is also meaningful to me as I am a student and such a free library is great!
Kenneth R. Gregg
Aug 12 2005 at 3:55pm
A long-time libertarian. I have observed Liberty Fund activities since its inception. Great admirer of the work that it has done, and that of David Hart as well.
My website is CLASSical Liberalism:
Mark LaRochelle
Aug 22 2005 at 9:50am
I was wondering if anyone would like to fisk Mr. Gladwell here:
Gleb Semyonov
Sep 30 2005 at 7:09am
As to me, it’s one of the best economwebsite. At least, there are no Russian’s analogues. I’ve never seen so much useful and productive literature.CREATORS,YOU’RE THE BEST!!!!!
Nov 12 2005 at 2:45am
I am eager to know how to download some e-books from the website. I am a chinese graduate, but I could not find the download point in your homepage.Who is kind to give me a hand? Thanks a lot.
Lauren Landsburg
Nov 12 2005 at 6:59am
Hi, xianglingzi.
Downloads for Econlib are listed on the Downloads page at
or in the Card Catalog, which you can search by author, title, etc.
Downloads for the OLL are listed by author. You can find them from the OLL home page at
Sanjay Keswani
Feb 27 2006 at 1:58pm
I think you may find the following articles of interest:
I am the author; please let me know if you are interested in a link exchange for specific articles.
Sanjay Keswani
Nii K. Sowa
May 3 2006 at 12:42pm
The most educative and useful economic site on the net.
Jim Bowman
Jun 22 2006 at 10:30am
Search for Bagehot, Lombard Street led me to this site. Am writing about effect on local community — town, village — of lower taxes on its economy, with reference to Chicago suburban Oak Park. We know how it works nationally, but how about suburban in major metro area?
Russ Abbott
Jun 30 2006 at 9:34pm
I found Econlib when I did a Google search for “Unintended Consequences.” As it turns out, I disagree with the generality of Rob Norton’s article. In my view he fails to distinguish between historical consequences and the use of a deliberately installed mechanisms for purposes other than that for which it was created.
I’ve been collecting what I call a Museum of Unintended Consequences. Check it out if you are interested.
ninad patwardhan
Jul 5 2006 at 10:11am
i find this site quite cool n awesome, the articles r simply mind-blowing. Hoping 2 see such articles in d future
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