Last year, I did a post discussing the US ability to attract global talent to our high tech industries. In April, I did a post discussing how immigration might have contributed to the US having a per capita GDP that is somewhat higher than in other developed economies. Recently, I came across a few more articles that relate to the issue of US exceptionalism—in this case regarding stock market wealth.
While US per capita GDP is modestly higher than in Europe, Canada and Japan, our stock market capitalization is far in excess of our population, or even our GDP. Here is AI Overview:
As of June 2024, the US stock market represented 61% of the world’s stock market capitalization, which is its highest level since the 1960s. This is a significant increase over the past decade and a half, and is especially notable considering that the US only accounts for about a quarter of the world’s GDP. The US stock market is also roughly 10 times larger than its closest competitor, Japan.
However, some say that this level of concentration can imply an unbalanced economy. For example, the concentration of the US stock market itself is also notable, with just three companies—Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia—accounting for 10% of the market value of global stocks.
Of the 18 Asian Americans in the House of Representatives, five are Indian American. A decade ago, only a single member of Congress was Indian American. The presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the US in 2024, Kamala Devi Harris, has an Indian mother, while the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate J. D. Vance is married to an Indian American, Usha (née Chilukuri) Vance. Last fall, two Indian Americans, Nimrata Nikki Haley (née Randhawa) and Vivek Ramaswamy, were both prominently vying for the Republican Presidential nomination . . .
This is in contrast to other Asian American groups, like Chinese Americans, the most numerous subgroup in America (5.2 million vs 4.9 million Indian Americans). A difference in representation at the executive level has been noted in domains like the technology sector; considerably more people of Indian origin than Chinese rise above technical to high-level managerial positions.
In the second post, Kahn points to the fact that Indian migrants come disproportionately from relatively successful groups within the Indian population:
In India itself, 28% of Hindus are “General Category,” meaning they do not qualify for any affirmative action, unlike Dalits (“untouchables”), indigenous tribes or adivasis and “Other Backward Classes” (OBCs). A survey of Indian-American Hindus reports that here they are instead 83% General Category, 16% OBCs (vs. 35% of Indian Hindus) and 1% Dalits or of adivasi origin (vs. 35% of Indian Hindus). Private surveys have shown that 25% of Indian Americans are Brahmin, in contrast to 5%, at most, of Indians.
But caste tells only a part of the story. The most notable aspect of Indian migrants is the relatively high educational level, which correlates with (but does not fully explain) their unusually high incomes earned in the US:
Nearly 80% of Indian immigrants in America over the age of 25 have a bachelor’s degree. This compares to 33% in the general American population. They contribute higher labor force participation than the overall population, 72% vs. 67%. More than 75% of Indian immigrants work in management, business and science (as opposed to 41% of the general population). No surprise either then, that Indian-immigrant median household income is considerably higher than that of Americans overall, ($132,000 vs. $66,000 in 2019).
Note that $132,000 is above even the median income of college grads.
Here it might be useful to consider three ethnic groups, Chinese-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Jewish-Americans, each numbering roughly 5 or 6 million. Both Chinese and Indian migrants come from a country with slightly over 1.4 billion people, and each group tends to have above average education. That makes Jewish-Americans seem like the outlier. But Kahn makes a persuasive case that at least in some respects (not all) Jewish-Americans are the closest comparison to the Indian migrant experience.
For instance, India has a complex set of ethnicities, many of which have been genetically and/or culturally isolated for long periods. Kahn points out that while intermarriage is now fairly common for both Jewish and Indian-Americans, these groups were more isolated during much of their previous history.
Of course, many populations have low rates of marriage outside their ethnic groups. But what makes Jewish people and high caste Indians different is that for centuries they largely avoided intermarriage despite living within other much larger societies. Consider that the global Jewish population is roughly 15 million, whereas the entire Western world (broadly defined to include Europe, the Americas and Australia) has a population of 1.82 billion. Similarly, the Brahmin comprise only about 5% of India’s 1.44 billion people. In contrast, the China’s most successful group (the Han) comprise more than 90% of its population.
Today, nearly 40% of the world’s Jewish people live in America. The figure rises to roughly 50% if you consider only Ashkenazi Jews, the most successful portion of the Jewish population. Based on the evidence provided in Kahn’s posts, you could argue that the huge 1980-2020 wave of Indian migration to the US has had an economic impact equivalent to doubling our Jewish population. In other words, we’ve added millions of people that are among the most educated and productive individuals in their ancestral home country.
Now let’s think about the fact that US corporations comprise 61% of global stock market wealth, a figure that has grown dramatically in recent decades. Obviously there are many factors that led to this outcome. But one important factor may have been the ability of the US to attract a disproportionate share of the global talent pool that is good at:
1. Creating innovative new products.
2. Having the financial and managerial skill to turn those products into successful businesses.
The 1880-1920 wave of Jewish migrants showed an ability to achieve those two goals to a degree well beyond their 2% share of the US population. The recent wave of Indian migrants is showing similar success.
This is not to suggest that these are the only two groups that matter for stock market wealth. Nvidia founder is from Taiwan and Tesla’s founder is from South Africa. Rather, I am suggesting that America’s ability to attract disproportionately large numbers of Jewish and high caste Indian migrants is emblematic of its broader appeal to talented people from all over the world. To summarize:
America’s modest advantage over other developed countries in GDP/person is a function of our modestly more productive workers, on average.
America’s huge advantage over all other countries in market capitalization is a function of our vastly disproportionate number of extremely talented people, perhaps combined with the network effects of being able to work together.
It’s difficult to see how the US could ever bring its level of wealth inequality down to European, Canadian or Japanese levels without expelling a big share of our most talented people.
Aug 13 2024 at 2:58am
I wonder if the relation between ethnicity and economic success will be music to libertarian ears, holding as they do the saying of Adam Smith of no essential difference between people:
Also, such a relation appears to argue against an open borders policy and argues for careful selection of immigrants base upon their origin.
Interestingly, the Brahmins are not known as an especially prosperous community in India itself. That honor goes to mercantile communities such as Jains, Parisis, and Baniyas.But the American emigration was easier for educated and professional type of occupations where Brahmins excelled.
Scott Sumner
Aug 13 2024 at 1:25pm
Yes, I recall Razib Kahn making the same point about the Brahmin.
I do understand that there is a good argument for skewing toward high skilled immigrants. Nonetheless, there’s also a good argument that low skilled immigrants can be a net positive, even if they lower America’s per capita GDP. Consider the effect of adding 100,000 low skilled farm workers:
The farm workers are better off than if they had stayed in their home country.
The rest of America benefits in two ways. We get cheaper food and our kids not have to go out in the hot sun to pick fruits and vegetables.
There is an argument that low skilled immigrants might bring problems like crime, but thus far that has not been a major issue, as America’s immigrants have a lower crime rate than the native born. Of course that’s not to deny that carefully selected immigrants (say only college grads) would have an even lower crime rate than America’s recent immigrant groups, so I’m not saying your argument is wrong. Rather that the case for selectivity is more ambiguous than many assume.
Aug 13 2024 at 2:24pm
“such a relation appears to argue against an open borders policy and argues for careful selection of immigrants base upon their origin”
Not really. Every policy, including Open Borders, selects for immigrants. Open Borders selects using (primarily) economic criteria, i.e., market forces. Other policies, which are government driven, select using political criteria. The question is whether economic criteria or political criteria are more likely to select for the immigrants that make the most positive economic contribution. (One might care about non-economic contributions too, but Scott’s post is about economic contributions.) As far as I know, there was no deliberate political effort in the past to cultivate Jewish and Indian immigrants above others. That result seems to have been the product of market forces.
Mark Brophy
Aug 13 2024 at 3:28am
The market cap of the Swiss Exchange (SIX) is $2.7 trillion in a country of 8.8m people, or about double the market cap of the United States after adjusting for population. About 30% of the permanent residents of Switzerland were born in another country, compared to 14% in the United States. Switzerland is better than us at enticing extremely talented foreigners.
Scott Sumner
Aug 13 2024 at 1:17pm
Very good example.
Aug 13 2024 at 4:01pm
Yeah … but isn’t that like saying that 30% of the residents of NYC were born in Jersey?
Mark Brophy
Aug 14 2024 at 11:58am
Yes, about 80% of Switzerland’s immigrants are European and a Brit moving to Switzerland is like a New Yorker moving to San Francisco. Are there are more Swiss in the USA than Unitedstatesians in Switzerland?
Scott Sumner
Aug 14 2024 at 12:36pm
That actually supports Mark’s point. Both the US and Switzerland benefit from attracting the most talented immigrants. Within the US, the Bay Area benefits for the same reason (via interstate migration.)
Aug 13 2024 at 10:08pm
You danced around it a little, but I would call attention to the fact that Indians who come to America are exceptionally exceptional. As you are aware, emigration is a selection effect, largely in positive direction viewed from the receiving country. Even when it is the poor and tired masses, the ones who show the gumption to get out are going to be selected for success. However today’s climate, this is even stronger, it is close to impossible for an Indian to make it to the US, and the ones who manage to do so have a winning combination of privilege, drive, and talent that is nearly inconceivable.
I have thoughts on the cultural background in India that makes this effect even stronger, the respect for education in the upper classes, the intensely competitive environment, etc. but I don’t have enough knowledge to speak well on that so I will avoid it. It’s enough to appreciate that anyone who manages to pass the gauntlet to come here has been highly selected, and outperformance is to be expected. The particular height of the barrier the subject has jumped points to the degree, and today Indians are some of the most restricted, compared to desired quantity.
Scott Sumner
Aug 13 2024 at 10:33pm
Yes, I agree with that.
Aug 15 2024 at 4:51pm
According to Pew in 2022, 36% of US citizens have a Bachelor’s degree–as do 72% of immigrants from South Asia. That’s a massive amount of self-selection.
Trump tried to coo
Aug 14 2024 at 9:38pm
I agree with this post. The talented people are attracted to, or incentivized not to exit, the countries offering the biggest personal potential reward and that is related to the market size of their specialty which is related to the population size and mean income level. Some specialties don’t exist in smaller countries.
U.S. workers are modestly more productive, as you said, but apart from talented immigration and talented U.S.-born people incentivized not to exit, the size of the market makes the provision of everything more efficient, and the efficient suppliers survive, so the workers are more productive because they are simply in business and in some cases exporting. A supplier surviving in a smaller market might imply subsidy or protectionism is present along with higher taxes.
Propensity to make connections within a country’s boundaries or within the global group sharing the same language (as a first or second language) should also matter but I don’t have any comment on what is probably related to personality and culture. If we don’t know about differences in propensity to make connections, we still know bigger countries and bigger language groups have more potential connections so I call it a size effect but I can see network effect is a good description.
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