Editor's Introduction to "Turkey Knocking on Europe's Door"
By David M. Hart
This bibliographical essay is David Hart’s introduction to Turkey Knocking on Europe’s Door, by Anthony de Jasay.
Jasay also touches here on issues with which he deals at greater length in his books: the economics of corruption and the problems democracies face in moving away from a politically controlled economy. To cure the latter, Jasay argues that reforming societies like Turkey need to take the “bitter medicine of freedom” in quite large doses and wonders whether it will be possible in this case.
The following websites provide economic information about Turkey and other states which would like to be granted admission to the EU:
- European Parliament – http://www.europarl.eu.int/
- European Central Bank – http://www.ecb.int/
- European Union – http://www.eurunion.org/profile/facts.htm
Anthony de Jasay, Justice and Its Surroundings (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).
Anthony de Jasay, The State (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998).
E.L. Jones, “Islam and the Ottoman Empire” in The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia (Cambridge University Press, 1987), pp. 175-191.
Tom Bethel, “Property in Araby” in The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity through the Ages (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998), pp. 225-42.
For more articles by David M. Hart, see the Archive.