This bibliographical essay is David Hart’s introduction to Float or Sink? The Millstone of the “Social Market” in Germany, by Anthony de Jasay.

In this article Jasay examines how a once dynamic economy like Germany’s has been reduced to a state of economic sclerosis by inflexible labor market policies. His prognosis for the future is not a happy one …

Additional Readings

I. Websites

The following is a selection of mainly German language websites which focus on free market economic policy. English language material can be found at the Centre for a New Europe website and the selection of articles by Prof. Christian Watrin:

1. Walter Eucken Instute—

2. Ludwig Erhard Stiftung—

3. Prof. Christian Watrin, the Institute for Economic Policy Research at the University of Cologne in Germany. A selection of his articles is available online at

4. The Friedrich Hayek Institute—

5. The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung—

6. The Frankfurt Institute—

7. The Centre for a New Europe—

8. The Germany Embassy website in Washington, D.C. –

9. The German Government site of the Federal Department of Economics
and Labor –

II. Bibliography

The Social Market Economy. Theory and Ethics of the Economic Order, ed.
Peter Koslowski (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer, 1998).
Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy Vol. 17.

A Bibliography celebrating 50 years of the Social Market Economy in Germany (1948-98) prepared by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung –


*David M. Hart is Director of the Online Library of Liberty Project.

For more articles by David M. Hart, see the Archive.